Homeschool Support and Tutoring Services

Homeschool Support

If you are seeking more specific support with homeschooling, including tips on organization, pacing, planning, teaching multiple grades, and more, please check out our Homeschool Support service. Available to independent curriculum users only.

Tutoring and Coaching Services

We understand that our curriculum users may need extra support when teaching their children at home—in particular, within certain subject areas—so we are pleased to recommend tutoring provided by Oak Meadow teachers. Below is a list of teachers who are available as tutors, along with their specialty areas and contact information. If you have any questions about tutoring or you are interested in working with one of our teachers, contact the teacher directly. Please note that our teachers may not tutor any students who are their own enrolled students.

Please note: The fee-based tutoring services recommended on this page are NOT managed by Oak Meadow School; you will enter a tutorial services agreement with each teacher individually.

For students needing coaching services for executive function and/or learning challenges, please contact our Oak Meadow coaching specialist.

K-8 tutors

High School tutors

Coaching Service

Tutoring Centers
