Elementary (preK-4)

Because young children learn naturally through imitation and action, our elementary, or preschool through grade 4, curriculum features lots of healthy activity and movement. We provide lessons rich in experiential learning, actively engaging the student’s mind, body, and imagination. Your children will experience a multi-sensory education as they explore letters, numbers, color, song, rhythm, and verse while learning about themselves and the world around them. Our curriculum is secular, book-based, nature-based, and designed with academic supports for homeschool families.

2 Ways to Use Our Curriculum

Independent Use

This option is for families who want to purchase our curriculum and homeschool independently. Flexibility is written into the lesson plans, so you may pick and choose assignments to appeal to your student’s interests and skill level, and schedule your homeschool days to fit your family’s lifestyle.

  • The full-year, integrated curriculum includes weekly lessons plans for all subjects: Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, Art, Music, and Health.
  • Coursebooks include assignment checklists, planning pages, materials lists, and learning assessment sheets.
  • Parents are responsible for submitting documentation as required by their State Department of Education or their country’s Ministry of Education.
  • We offer a fee-based homeschool support consultation service with experienced Oak Meadow teachers.

Visit our Shop to Purchase Homeschooling Curriculum >


Distance Learning School

This option is for families who want the structure and guidance provided through enrollment in our accredited distance learning school. Working at home, the parent is the primary teacher in the early grades, and the Oak Meadow teacher supports the parent in the teaching process.

  • Parents submit student work to teachers through the Google Platform and communicate with the teacher by email, phone, or video chat.
  • The teacher supports the home teacher and provides written feedback, assessments, and semester- and year-end narrative evaluations.
  • The Oak Meadow office maintains official cumulative records and provides a certificate of completion.
  • Families enjoy access to the Oak Meadow enrolled community through virtual clubs, meet-ups, and parent gatherings.

Apply Now to Oak Meadow’s Distance Learning School >

Elementary (preK-4)

Curriculum Overview

This full-year preschool is a play-based curriculum that follows the seasons of the year. Stories for each month are combined with songs, poems, games, recipes, and activities that relate to the season or the story’s theme. The activities in this course inspire an understanding of others’ feelings, provide an opportunity for creative problem solving, and teach young children how to share responsibilities and develop cognitive skills. Throughout the course, there is an expression of loving kindness and appreciation for each individual’s unique gifts, which will help children build their confidence and self-esteem.

A variety of parent topics supplement the course, providing guidance for those working with young children. Topics include developing a rhythm with preschoolers, telling stories, working with arts and crafts, transitioning between activities, exploring nature, and setting up a play space. (Note: Enrollment option is not available for Pre-K.)

Oak Meadow’s Kindergarten curriculum reflects the openhearted and imaginative way that young children meet the world.

Language Arts/Social Studies
  • Uppercase letters A-I
  • Letter sounds and shapes
  • Stories, poetry, and songs
  • Uppercase letter J-R
  • Letter sounds and shapes
  • Nature through the five senses
  • Falling leaves and special trees
  • Animals: similarities and differences
  • Plant growth: seeds and sprouts
  • Weather: seasonal changes
  • Numbers 1-6
  • Geometric shapes
  • Pattern recognition
  • Opposites
  • Comparing quantities


Arts and Crafts

Throughout the year, students engage in a multitude of art and craft activities including crayon drawing, watercolor painting, sewing, baking, nature crafts, collage, crafts from recycled materials, carpentry, model building, and working with clay.

Music and Movement

Over the course of the year, students participate in activities that help develop musical ability, bilateral awareness, rhythm, hand-eye coordination, and dexterity. Sample activities include making and playing homemade instruments, reciting poetry, singing and finger plays, dancing, and playing catch and other kinesthetic games.


The book Healthy Living from the Start provides the basis for a year-long health course. Families explore topics relevant to their child’s growth and development including nutrition, the growing body, hygiene, community, emotions, and safety.

Language Arts/Social Studies
  • Uppercase letters S-Z
  • Stories, poetry, and songs
  • Family history
  • Letter sounds and shapes
  • Emotions
  • Local community
  • Stars and constellations
  • Animal behavior
  • Pet/animal care
  • Plant growth
  • Weather: seasonal activities
  • Numbers 7-10
  • Sorting and grouping
  • Sequencing and counting
  • Geometric shapes
  • Comparisons and patterns
Arts and Crafts

Throughout the year, students engage in a multitude of art and craft activities including crayon drawing, watercolor painting, sewing, baking, nature crafts, collage, crafts from recycled materials, carpentry, model building, and working with clay.

Music and Movement

Over the course of the year, students participate in activities that help develop musical ability, bilateral awareness, rhythm, hand-eye coordination, and dexterity. Sample activities include making and playing homemade instruments, reciting poetry, singing and finger plays, dancing, and playing catch and other kinesthetic games.

Oak Meadow’s lively and engaging First Grade curriculum will help you guide your child toward solid reading and math skills while encouraging an active, inquisitive mind.

Language Arts
  • Upper- and lowercase letters A-Z
  • Long and short vowels
  • Fairy tales and poetry
  • Word families
  • Printing words
  • Phonics
Social Studies


  • Classic fairy tales
  • Daily and monthly cycles
  • Yearly calendar


  • Navigating with a compass
  • Mapmaking and reading maps
  • Using a globe
  • Phases of the moon
  • Constellations
  • Life cycle of the seed
  • Cloud formations
  • Animal observations
  • Weather and cloud formations
  • Seasonal animal behavior, tracks, and hibernation
  • Deciduous and coniferous trees
  • Four processes
  • Ordinal numbers
  • 2, 5, 10 times tables
  • Translating story problems into equations
  • Missing numbers
  • Mental math
  • Counting and sorting
  • Form drawing
Arts and Crafts

Throughout the year, students engage in a variety of arts and crafts activities. Fine-motor dexterity and focus are developed through learning to knit, which benefits the child’s developing writing skills. Highlights include making a bird feeder and nesting supply box, maintaining a seasonal display, wet paper watercolor painting, nature crafts, and creative sand and water play.

Music and Movement

In addition to singing exercises, students learn how to play the recorder. Instructions and simple songs are included in Oak Meadow’s Beginning Recorder. Movement activities focus on balance, coordination, directional awareness, and rhythmic movements such as jumping rope.


The book Healthy Living from the Start provides the basis for a yearlong health course. Families explore topics relevant to their child’s growth and development including nutrition, the growing body, hygiene, community, emotions, and safety.

Language Arts
  • Fairy tales
  • Form drawing
  • Printing words
  • Independent reading
  • Writing out sentences
  • Consonant blends
  • Word games
Social Studies


  • Goods and services
  • Marketplace exchanges
  • Saving and spending


  • Rules and playing fair
  • Family jobs
  • Respect
  • Diversity
  • Diurnal and nocturnal animals
  • Forms of matter
  • Pond and forest life
  • Seed dispersal
  • Pollination and bees
  • Planting and charting plant growth
  • Scientific inquiry
  • Life cycle of a butterfly
  • Odd and even
  • Number bonds
  • Multistep problems
  • 3 times table
  • Explaining math processes
  • Mental math
  • Relationships between math processes
  • Equations in vertical format
  • Cumulative property of addition
Arts and Crafts

Throughout the year, students engage in a variety of arts and crafts activities. Fine-motor dexterity and focus are developed through learning to knit, which benefits the child’s developing writing skills. Highlights include making a bird feeder and nesting supply box, maintaining a seasonal display, wet paper watercolor painting, nature crafts, and creative sand and water play.

Music and Movement

In addition to singing exercises, students learn how to play the recorder. Instructions and simple songs are included in Oak Meadow’s Beginning Recorder. Movement activities focus on balance, coordination, directional awareness, and rhythmic movements such as jumping rope.

Oak Meadow’s Second Grade curriculum expands on your child’s natural intelligence and growing confidence as a reader and writer.

Language Arts
  • Independent reading
  • Writing short paragraphs
  • Consonant blends and word families
  • Poetry
  • Fables and other classic stories
  • Summarizing stories
  • Descriptive writing
  • Memorization and recitation
  • Sight words
Social Studies


  • Folklore of Ancient China
  • Ancient Mali and Sundiata
  • Ancient Celts
  • Family customs and traditions


  • Cardinal and ordinal directions
  • Map reading and using a globe
  • Climate regions
  • Continents and oceans
  • Animal observations and research
  • Charting data
  • Interdependence in nature
  • Sorting and classifying
  • Animal habits and habitats
  • Four processes
  • Vertical and horizontal equations
  • Missing numbers
  • Writing numbers in expanded forms
  • Carrying in addition
  • Place value
  • Number patterns
  • Form drawing
  • Mental math
Arts and Crafts

Students explore color through watercolor painting and crayon drawings as they illustrate the many stories and poems presented in language arts. They engage in various hands-on activities that help develop fine-motor coordination and focus. Highlights include crocheting a scarf, working with clay, and completing crafts from Oak Meadow’s Crafts for the Early Grades.


Students continue to develop their recorder playing skills by learning several new notes and mastering simple songs. Focus on breath control, tonality, and technique help enhance the student’s musical ability.


The book Healthy Living from the Start provides the basis for a yearlong health course. Families explore topics relevant to their child’s growth and development including nutrition, the growing body, hygiene, community, emotions, and safety.

Language Arts
  • Animal stories and fables
  • Dramatic storytelling
  • Independent reading
  • Summarizing stories
  • Vowel combinations
  • Vowel/consonant combinations
  • Creative writing
  • Comparison writing
Social Studies


  • Natural, human, and capital resources
  • Money and economic transactions
  • Scarcity and abundance


  • Kindness and reciprocity
  • Honesty and tall tales
  • Qualities of good leadership
  • Vertebrates and invertebrates
  • Warm- and cold-blooded animals
  • Food chain
  • Carnivores, herbivores, and omnivores
  • Animal behavior and communication
  • Animal classification
  • Life of a frog
  • Times tables up to 12
  • Borrowing in subtraction
  • Greater than/less than
  • Number bonds up to 20
  • Multistep problems
  • Multistep mental math
Arts and Crafts

Students explore color through watercolor painting and crayon drawings as they illustrate the many stories and poems presented in language arts. They engage in various hands-on activities that help develop fine-motor coordination and focus. Highlights include crocheting a scarf, working with clay, and completing crafts from Oak Meadow’s Crafts for the Early Grades.


Students continue to develop their recorder playing skills by learning several new notes and mastering simple songs. Focus on breath control, tonality, and technique help enhance the student’s musical ability.

The challenging and practical tasks of Oak Meadow’s Third Grade curriculum encourage new skills and awareness through observation, precision, imagination, and creativity.

Language Arts
  • Sentence composition
  • Paragraph composition
  • Memorization and recitation
  • Suffixes
  • Parts of speech
  • Punctuation and capitalization
  • Spelling rules
  • Folk tales and classic literature
  • Cursive handwriting
  • Read aloud with fluency
Social Studies


  • Ancient cultures
  • Ancient writing systems
  • Native American creation stories
  • American Frontier


  • Latitude and longitude
  • Mapping skills
  • Continents and oceans
  • Ancestry
  • Movements of Earth and moon
  • Gravity
  • Decomposition
  • Photosynthesis
  • The water cycle
  • Weather patterns and phenomena
  • Seasonal changes
  • Global climate zones
  • Commutative and associative properties
  • Borrowing and carrying
  • Ordinal numbers
  • Telling time
  • Weights and measures
  • Money math
  • Zeros in multiplication
Arts and Crafts

Students explore color through watercolor painting and crayon drawing as they illustrate the many stories and poems presented in language arts. They engage in various hands-on activities that help develop fine-motor coordination and focus. Highlights include crocheting a scarf, working with clay, and completing crafts from Oak Meadow’s Crafts for the Early Grades.


Students continue to develop their recorder skills by learning several new notes and mastering simple songs.


The book Healthy Living from the Start provides the basis for a yearlong health course. Families explore topics relevant to their child’s growth and development including nutrition, the growing body, hygiene, community, emotions, and safety.

Language Arts
  • Syllabication
  • Poetry and classic literature
  • Cursive handwriting
  • Read aloud with fluency
  • Story summaries
  • Vowel-consonant combinations
  • Journaling
  • Correcting faulty sentences
  • Parts of speech
  • Poetry, folk tales, and classic literature
Social Studies


  • Interdependence of resources
  • Traditional jobs
  • Specialization and trade


  • Forms of government
  • Laws and community rules
  • Seasonal weather cycles
  • Biomes
  • Earthquakes and volcanoes
  • Erosion and weathering
  • Rock cycle
  • Geology
  • Extinct and endangered species
  • Form drawing
  • Geometry
  • Division with remainders
  • Roman numerals
  • Multistep mental math
  • Temperature measurements
Arts and Crafts

Students explore color through watercolor painting and crayon drawing as they illustrate the many stories and poems presented in language arts. They engage in various hands-on activities that help develop fine-motor coordination and focus. Highlights include crocheting a scarf, working with clay, and completing crafts from Oak Meadow’s Crafts for the Early Grades.


Students continue to develop their recorder skills by learning several new notes and mastering simple songs.

Oak Meadow’s Fourth Grade curriculum reflects the awakening intellect and independence of fourth graders.

Language Arts
  • Parts of speech
  • Journal writing
  • Paragraphing skills
  • Revision skills
  • Sentence variety
  • Poetry
  • Memorization and recitation
Social Studies
  • Topography observation and model
  • Permanent and migrating animals
  • Native American research paper
  • Model of Native American village
  • State geography and landforms
  • State symbol, flag, and bird
  • State history
  • Geometry and patterns in nature
  • Relationship between form and function
  • Charting data
  • Seed dispersal
  • animal species and breeds
  • Nutrition
  • Basic cell structure
  • Carrying and borrowing
  • Division with remainders
  • Multistep word problems
  • Weights and measures
  • Two-digit multiplication
  • Roman numerals

Students learn the seven laws of drawing perspective. Each law is explored in depth and students gain ample practice in using the various techniques including tonal drawing, foreshortening, overlapping, and shading.


Students continue learning to play an instrument. Oak Meadow’s Recorder Duets is offered to students interested in taking their recorder playing further. Opportunities and suggestions are provided for holding recitals and performances.

Language Arts
  • Dialogue punctuation
  • Short story writing
  • Plurals and possessives
  • Editing and proofreading
  • Grammar rules
Social Studies
  • Colonial America
  • Mapping skills
  • Native American leaders
  • Material culture of pioneers
  • Model of pioneer settlement
  • California Gold Rush
  • The Pony Express
  • Transcontinental Railroad
  • Nature observations
  • Constellations
  • Moon and gravity
  • Solar system
  • Planet research project
  • Measuring altitude
  • Longitude and latitude
  • Cardinal directions and compass navigation
  • Adding and subtracting fractions
  • Money math
  • Rounding and estimating
  • Long division
  • Mixed numbers and improper fractions
  • Equivalent fractions
  • Common denominator

Students learn the seven laws of drawing perspective. Each law is explored in depth and students gain ample practice in using the various techniques including tonal drawing, foreshortening, overlapping, and shading.


Students continue learning to play an instrument. Oak Meadow’s Recorder Duets is offered to students interested in taking their recorder playing further. Opportunities and suggestions are provided for holding recitals and performances.


Purchase Curriculum

Or Enroll In Our Distance Learning School
