Tips for Teaching Gifted Students

One of the most wonderful things about homeschooling is that it can accommodate the needs of students across the full spectrum of abilities. One-to-one attention from home teachers can encourage and expand on individual strengths, and the curriculum can adapt to address individual needs.  However, parents homeschooling a gifted child can sometimes feel unsure how

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Homeschooling with Divorced or Separated Parents

When it comes to homeschooling, parents have a lot of decisions to make. But what if those parents are divorced or live separately? Joint custody and school decisions can be tricky to navigate, but with some planning and communication, homeschooling with divorced or separated parents can be successful. In this article, we’ll explore some tips

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Back to (Home) School: Tips for a Special Start

Once the big ‘back to (home) school’ day is marked on the calendar, it’s time to start thinking of how to make the start of school extra special for both you and your homeschool student. Here are some tips to make the day memorable, fun, and smooth for everyone. Whether it is your first day

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What is Distance Learning?

Oak Meadow has been a resource for independent homeschooling families for over 45 years. But did you know that Oak Meadow is also an accredited distance learning school? About Our Accredited Distance Learning Program Oak Meadow is an internationally accredited distance learning institution that provides full academic credit to enrolled students. We have a full-time

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12 Ways to Support Student Independence and Autonomy in Learning

Homeschooling parents often ask how they can help their children learn to work independently. Independence is a skill that grows slowly and needs to be nurtured over time. Students need opportunities to practice repeatedly and gain confidence in their capabilities. They also need to know they can trust that an adult will be ready and

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Decluttering the Homeschool House

Homeschoolers usually spend a significant portion of their days at home. The many hours of projects, crafts, meals, and experiments that happen every day in a homeschooling house can add up to a significant amount of clutter and chaos. What are some ways to keep your home and your family from getting overwhelmed by this?

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How to Motivate Your Homeschool Student (and Keep Learning Fun!)

Without the structure of a school day and a physical classroom environment, homeschooling families often need to find creative ways to stay motivated and keep their learning moving forward. Luckily, with the flexibility of homeschooling, there are plenty of ways to keep your student engaged in their work while still having fun! Here are some

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How To Knit For Beginners

Rhythmic handwork is part of Oak Meadow’s coursework for grades one through three. Handcrafts, such as knitting, are exceptional activities for integrating thoughts, feelings, and actions. They can be tremendously harmonizing and satisfying. Learning how to knit is also particularly beneficial for children who are just learning to write. Knitting strengthens their fingers and hands,

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Homeschooling Multiple Children

How can I homeschool multiple children? If you’ve asked this question, you’re in good company. Meeting the needs of multiple children is a challenge for any parent. But homeschooling parents needs to be able to do it all day long. How is that possible? There is No One Right Way Homeschooling families run a wide

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