Here you will find links and resources referenced in Oak Meadow’s high school courses. Find your course below to find all the links from the coursebooks.
These external resources have been reviewed and vetted by our Oak Meadow teachers. While they are not owned by Oak Meadow, they can be a valuable supplement to the Oak Meadow curriculum.
We strive to make sure that all of our links are intact, and from time to time, need to replace the links printed in the coursebooks. If you find anything that seems to be missing or out of place, please let us know.
Click here for our K-8 Curriculum Links >
High School Courses
Algebra 1
Lesson 1: Part 2
Mathematical Treasure: Ishango Bone
Who Invented the Zero?
Maya Civilization
Math: Calculating Percentages
Lesson 2: Part 2
Math: Loan Repayments Using Simple Interest
Math: Making Sense of Percents
Math: Yield to Maturity
Lesson 3: Part 1
Patrial Variation Warmup
6 Examples of Correlation in Real Life
Correlation Does Not Imply Causation: 5 Real-World Examples
Lesson 3: Part 2
Algebra 1 Chapter 3: Equations of Lines
Algebra 1 Chapter 3 Part 2 Option 4 Example
Graphing Calculator
Getting Started: Inequalities and Restrictions
Cities Compete for Amazon HQ
Seeking Shelter: What Factors Affect Homelessness in a City
Homelessness in America and Rising Rent
Lesson 4: Part 2
Restrictions in Desmos 5 Shade a Restricted Equation, Line
Getting Started: Inequalities and Restrictions
Absolute Value Real-World Applications
Math: Graphing a Budget Equation
Lesson 5: Part 2
Mathematical Treasure: Old Babylonian Area Calculation
Origami, the Japanese Tradition of Paper Folding
How to Make an Easy Origami Butterfly
Graphing Calculator
Getting Started: Inequalities and Restrictions
Math: Central Tendency of College Costs
Municipal Violations: How Minor Offences Can Bring Big Fines
You’re So Fined—How Do Municipal Fines Affect People with Different Incomes
Why Finland Has $100,000 Speeding Fines
Lesson 6: Part 1
The Rhind Mathematical Papyrus: Accurate Reckoning for Inquiring into Things
Lesson 6: Part 2
7 Billion: How Did We Get So Big So Fast?
Audio Representation of the Rate at Which People Are Dying
Audio Representation of the Rate at Which People Are Being Born
Billions and Billions: How Is the Human Population Changing
Bacteria Growth
The Growth of Bacterial Populations
Math: Depreciation of Car Value
Lesson 7: Part 2
Chairs Are Like Facebook
Connected: Do Social Networks Leave Us More Connected?
The Social Dilemma
Lesson 8: Part 2
Hank Aaron: Baseball Hall of Fame
Hank Aaron Wikipedia
Major League Batting Year-by-Year Averages
Algebra 1 Chapter 8 Graphing Rational Functions
Lesson 9: Part 1
Algebra 1 Chapter 9 Transforming Radical Graphs
Lesson 9: Part 2
Algebra 1 Chapter 9 Atlanta, GA Distance and Midpoint
Mound-Building Termites
Termite Mounds Hide Secrets to Sustainable Buildings of the Future
Desmos Scientific Calculator
Lesson 10: Part 1
Al Khawarezmi—Great Muslim Minds
Ibn Musa Al-Khwarizmi: The Father of Algebra
Thank You for Algebra: Muhammad Ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi
Lesson 10: Part 2
Graphing Calculator
Getting Started: Inequalities and Restrictions
Graphing Stories—Height of Waist Off Ground by Adam Poetzel
Mucinex DM Commercial: Cough A Cabana
Prescripted: How Should Drug Companies Decide Which Medications to Develop
Why There Is No Ebola Vaccine
Algebra 2
Desmos Calculator
Lesson 1
Math: The Cost of Minimum Payments
Lesson 2
Math: Compound Interest Pitfalls
Lesson 3
Math: Discounts and Composite Functions
Graphing Stories—Balloon Length by John Golden
Getting Started: Inequalities and Restrictions
Graphing Absolute Value Functions with Transformations
Writing Absolute Value Functions from Graphs
Lesson 4
Wendy’s Training Video Hot Drinks
Wage War Student Handout
One NYC Family’s Struggle to Survive on a Fast Food Salary
Lesson 6
Why Humidity Makes You Feel Hotter
Student Handout: Second Degree
Japan Heatwave Declared Natural Disaster
The Rhind Mathematical Papyrus: ’Accurate Reckoning for Inquiring into Things . . .
Lesson 7
6 Simple Soda Can Hacks
Student Handout: Canalysis
How It’s Made: Soda Cans
Lesson 8
Algebra 2 Chapter 8 Graphing Template
Math: Standard Deviation of Stocks and Bonds
Lesson 9
David Ortiz 2013 World Series Highlights
Student Handout: Out of Left Field
Why Do All MLB Ballparks Have Different Dimensions?
Lesson 10
What Is a Logarithm?
Math: Exponential Decay in Purchasing Power
Math: Two Ways to Double Your Savings
Can You Trust Your Memory?
Student Handout: I Remember
People Who Remember Every Second of Their Life
The Pandemic’s Impact on America’s Opioid Crisis
Student Handout: House of Pain
Opioid Addiction Is the Biggest Drug Epidemic in U.S. History. How’d We Get Here?
A Look Inside the Ebola Hot Zone
Student Handout: Pandemic
What Is a Virus?
Lesson 11
Illustration of Conic Sections
Graphing Stories—Height of Waist Off Ground by Dan Meyer
Getting Started: Inequalities and Restrictions
Ibrahim ibn Sinan
Algebra 2 Lesson 11 Hyperbola Construction—GeoGebra
Ellipse Construction
GeoGebra Tutorial
Parabola Construction
Lesson 12
9.999. . . Reasons that .999. . . = 1
YouCubed: Pascal’s Triangle
Fun with Fractals
Lesson 13
Math: Counting Outcomes
McDonald’s—`Introducing . . . The Happy Meal’ (Commercial, 1979)
McDonald’s Happy Meal Peter Rabbit TV Commercial 2018
Student Handout: Happy Meal
Virtual Dice Roller
Red Or Black? Betting Your Whole Life on One Roulette Spin
Student Handout: Spin City
Best Roulette Strategy Ever—Shaun Roulette Strategy
Real Numbers—Episode 2: Probability
American Literature: Classics
Lesson 11: Walt Whitman
“Letter to Walt Whitman”
Lesson 12: Emily Dickinson
How to Read a Poem
Poems by Emily Dickinson:
- “Success is counted sweetest”
- “To fight aloud is very brave -”
- “Some keep the Sabbath going to Church –”
- “There’s a certain Slant of light,”
- “I felt a Funeral, in my Brain,”
- “’Hope’ is the thing with feathers”
- “They shut me up in Prose –”
- “I dwell in Possibility –”
- “Because I could not stop for Death –”
- “Tell all the truth but tell it slant —”
- “There is no Frigate like a Book”
Lesson 17: William Faulkner and Eudora Welty
White Supremacist Convicted of Killing Medgar Evers
Medgar Evers
Lesson 26: Elizabeth Bishop
“The Fish” by Elizabeth Bishop
“Filling Station” by Elizabeth Bishop
Lesson 27: Gwendolyn Brooks
Poems by Gwendolyn Brooks:
Anatomy and Physiology - 2nd Edition
Lesson 1
“Down on the Body Farm: Inside the Dirty World of Forensic Science” by Monica Raymunt
Lesson 2
Crash Course Anatomy and Physiology Playlist
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
“The Integumentary System, Part 1—Skin Deep: Crash Course Anatomy and Physiology #6”
“The Integumentary System, Part 1—Skin Deeper: Crash Course Anatomy and Physiology #7
“Innerbody: The Integumentary System”
Lesson 5
“The Skeletal System: Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology #19”
“Joints: Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology #20”
“Innerbody: The Skeletal System”
“Diagnosing Osteoporosis (Osteoporosis #3)”
Lesson 6
“Innerbody: The Muscular System”
“Muscle Structure—Muscle under the Microscope”
Lesson 7
“2-Minute Neuroscience: Divisions of the Nervous System”
“Reflex Action (& Reflex Arc)”
“The Nervous System, Part 2—Action! Potential!: Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology #9”
“The Nervous System, Part 3—Synapses!: Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology #10”
“Interactive Stroop Effect Experiment”
“What We’ll Learn about the Brain in the Next Century”
Lesson 8
“Crash Course Anatomy and Physiology #23 Endocrine System Part 1—Glands and Hormones”
“Crash Course Anatomy and Physiology #24 Endocrine System Part 1—Hormone Cascades”
“Innerbody: The Endocrine System”
“Hormone Affects How Teens’ Brains Control Emotions”
Lesson 9
“Blood, Part 2—There Will Be Blood: Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology #30”
Lesson 10
“Respiratory System, Part 1: Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology #31”
“Respiratory System, Part 2: Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology #32”
“Lung Capacity—A BodyWorks on Tour Science Experiment”
Lesson 11
“Lymphatic System: Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology #44”
“Immune System Part 1: Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology #45”
“Immune System Part 2: Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology #46”
“Immune System Part 3: Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology #47″
“The Immune and Lymphatic Systems”
“Rethinking the Five-Second Rule: With Carpet, There’s No Rush”
“Five Second Rule Proven True”
Lesson 12
“Demonstrating Biology—It Takes Guts”
“The Inside Scoop on Your Insides”
“Innerbody: The Digestive System”
Lesson 13
“Urinary System, Part 1: Crash Course Anatomy and Physiology #38”
“Urinary System, Part 2: Crash Course Anatomy and Physiology #39”
Lesson 14
Lesson 15
“Human Embryo Growing from Fertilization to Day 6 Blastocyst”
“Miracle of Life—9 months in 4 minutes”
“Conception to Birth—Visualized”
“Life Before Birth—In the Womb”
“In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)”
Lesson 16
Biology: 2nd Edition
Introduction to Biology
Lord of the Ants
Encyclopedia of Life
Understanding Science
Lesson 4
Rate of Photosynthesis Lab
Lesson 5
Mitosis video from North Dakota State University’s Virtual Cell Animation Collection
Identifying Stages of Mitosis Under a Microscope and on a Micrograph: Replacement link for Micrographs and explanations of the stages of mitosis
Virtual Mitosis Lab: Replacement for the Rutger’s University The Virtual Biology Labs
Mitosis in Real Cells from The Biology Corner
Lesson 6
Meiosis—Made Super Easy—Animation
Mitosis vs. Meiosis: Side by Side Comparison
Lesson 8
“Protein Synthesis”
DNA Extraction Lab
Transcribe and Translate a Gene
Lesson 9
Gel Electrophoresis (Amoeba Sisters)
Gel Electrophoresis (Professor Dave Explains)
DNA Fingerprinting
Lesson 15
Why the Ocean Matters
A Mosaic of Ocean Habitats
Fabulous Wetlands with Bill Nye the Science Guy
Great Salt Lake, an Ecological Wonder
Protect the Boreal Forest
Lesson 17
CHSL DNA Learning Center website
Lesson 19
Mould Time-Lapse — The Great British Year: Episode 4
Slime Mould
Slime Mold Time Lapse. Myxamoeba: Giant Amoeba Engulfs Rock
What’s in a Lichen? How Scientists Got It Wrong for 150 Years
For the Love of Lichen
You Didn’t Know Mushrooms Could Do All This
Ergot of Rye — I: Introduction and History
Lesson 21
Plant Anatomy and Structure
Types of Plant Cells
Types of Plant Tissues
Structure and Working of Stomata
How Trees Secretly Talk to Each Other in the Forest
Mechanisms of Plant Growth
Winter Tree Identification Key
U. P. Tree Identification Key
Field Guide for the Identification and Use of Common Riparian Woody Plants
Lesson 22
Plant Anatomy and Structure
Israel Harvests Dates from 2,000-Year-Old Seeds
Mechanisms of Plant Growth
Lesson 23
NetLogo from the Center for Connected Learning (CCL) and Computer Based Modeling (Northwestern University)
Dissection 101: Detailed Earthworm Dissection Video
Biology Lab: Earthworm Dissection
Lesson 24
What Is an Arthropod?
All About Arthropods
Arthropod Evolution: A Nearly Perfect Success Story
Arthropod Evolution and Classification
Arthropod Adaptations
Lesson 25
Sharks Are Vanishing from Many of the World’s Reefs
Global FinPrint
Lesson 26
Types of Heart in Vertebrates
Circulatory System Variations
Circulatory & Respiratory Systems: CrashCourse Biology #27
Vertebrate Diversity: Reptiles
Vertebrate Diversity: The Birds
Vertebrate Diversity: Mammals
The Great Sunflower Project
“RoadkillGarneau” (Epicollect5)
“Citizen Science” (Cornell Lab of Ornithology)
“Audobon Christmas Bird Count” (Audubon)
“Citizen Science” (National Wildlife Federation)
“Citizen Science” (Scientific American)
“Citizen Science” (NASA Science)
Zooniverse (a “master list” of citizen science projects)
Biology: 3rd Edition (2025)
Introduction to Biology
Lord of the Ants
Encyclopedia of Life
Understanding Science
Lesson 4
Why the Ocean Matters
A Mosaic of Ocean Habitats
Fabulous Wetlands with Bill Nye the Science Guy
Great Salt Lake, an Ecological Wonder
Protect the Boreal Forest
Lesson 5
“r and K selection–Ecology”
Lesson 6
World of the Wild | Episode 1: The Amazon Rainforest
Lesson 8
“National Overview: Facts and Figures about Materials, Waste and Recycling”
“Search for Superfund Sites Where You Live”
Lesson 9
“The Inner Life of the Cell Animation”
Lesson 10
“Designing a Conservation Science Poster?”
Lesson 11
Lesson 11 Lab
Rate of Photosynthesis Lab
Lesson 13
Mitosis video from North Dakota State University’s Virtual Cell Animation Collection
Onion Root Tip
Onion Root Cells
Lesson 16
Lesson 17
“DNA Replication 2010”
DNA Extraction Lab
Lesson 18
“Protein Synthesis”
“Transcribe and Translate a Gene”
“DNA Transcription (Advanced)”
“mRNA Translation (Advanced)”
Lesson 19
Rare Disease List
Genetic Inheritance Patterns
Gel Electrophoresis (Amoeba Sisters)
Gel Electrophoresis (Professor Dave Explains)
DNA Fingerprinting
Lesson 20
“What Is CRISPR?”
Lesson 23
CHSL DNA Learning Center website
Lesson 25
“Comparative Mammalian Brain Collections”
NetLogo from the Center for Connected Learning (CCL) and Computer Based Modeling (Northwestern University)
Lesson 27
Mould Time-Lapse — The Great British Year: Episode 4
Slime Mould
Slime Mold Time Lapse. Myxamoeba: Giant Amoeba Engulfs Rock
What’s in a Lichen? How Scientists Got It Wrong for 150 Years
For the Love of Lichen
You Didn’t Know Mushrooms Could Do All This
“How This Blob Solves Mazes”
“Mushroom World”
Lesson 29
Winter Tree Identification Key
U. P. Tree Identification Key
Field Guide for the Identification and Use of Common Riparian Woody Plants
Lesson 31
Global shark fishing mortality still rising despite widespread regulatory change
All about Birds
Dissection 101: Detailed Earthworm Dissection Video
Biology Lab: Earthworm Dissection
Citizen Science
The Great Sunflower Project
“RoadkillGarneau” (Epicollect5)
“Citizen Science” (Cornell Lab of Ornithology)
“Audobon Christmas Bird Count” (Audubon)
“Citizen Science” (National Wildlife Federation)
“Citizen Science” (Scientific American)
“Citizen Science” (NASA Science)
Zooniverse (a “master list” of citizen science projects)
Chemistry Matters
General Resources
Brightstorm Chemistry
Khan Academy Chemistry
Bozeman Science Chemistry
“Citation and Style Guide Help”
Lesson 1: Introduction to Chemistry and Matter
“Gulf Oil Spill”
“How to Make Gold Pennies!”
“Lab Techniques & Safety: Crash Course Chemistry #21”
“Lab Equipment—Explained”
“Why Don’t the U.S., Myanmar, and Liberia Use the Metric System?”
“Line of Best Fit Equation”
“Excel Basics—Linear Regression—Finding Slope & Y Intercept”
“Linear Regression T184 (Line of Best Fit)”
“Hazard Communication Standard: Safety Data Sheets”
“Flinn Scientific Safety Data Sheet (SDS): Acetic Acid Solution 4.3 M–6 M”
Lesson 2: Basic Building Materials
The Copper Cycle—Acid, Deadly Gas and Blue Blood!
The Law of Conservation of Mass—Todd Ramsey
The Genius of Mendeleev’s Periodic Table—Lou Serico
Lesson 3: A World of Particles
“Make Atom Paper Snowflakes”
“The 2,400-Year Search for the Atom—Theresa Doud”
“What is the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle?—Chad Orzel”
“Radioactivity: Expect the Unexpected—Steve Weatherall”
“The Genius of Marie-Curie—Shohini Ghose”
Lesson 4: Moving Electrons
“Flame Tests of Metal Ions, with Labels”
“How Atoms Bond—George Zaidan and Charles Morton”
“Quantum Numbers, Atomic Orbitals, and Electron Configurations”
“Writing Electron Configurations”
“Electron Configurations: Orbital Box Diagrams”
“Electron Configurations of Ions, Atomic Structure and Properties, AP Chemistry, Khan Academy”
“The Molecular Shape of You (Ed Sheeran Parody), A Capella Science”
“Exceptions to Electron Configuration”
“Flinn Scientific Chem Fax! An Elemental Challenge”
Lesson 5: Building with Matter
“Creating a Conductivity Tester”
“Electrical Conductivity of Solutions”
“Atomic Hook-Ups—Types of Chemical Bonds: Crash Course Chemistry #22”
“How Does Electroplating Work, Reactions, Chemistry, FuseSchool”
Lesson 6: Speaking of Molecules
“Lab Rules—Dua Lipa ‘New Rules’ Parody, Science Songs”
“Chemistry of Fragrances: Lessons in Chemistry”
“Smells Lesson 3 Tutorial—HONC 1234 Rule”
“Lewis Dot Structures”
“How Do We Smell?—Rose Eveleth”
Lesson 7: Building Molecules
“VSEPR Theory and Molecular Geometry”
“VSEPR Theory: Introduction”
“Molecular Shapes: Basics”
“Molecule Shapes”
Lesson 8: Molecules in Action
“Polar & Non-Polar Molecules: Crash Course Chemistry #23”
“Intermolecular Forces and Boiling Points”
“What Are the Diatomic Elements?”
“Super Common Mistake: Diatomic Elements”
Snowflakes, Starflakes, and Swirlflakes
Snowflake symmetry 1
Snowswirls (rotational symmetry)
Lesson 9: Molecules in the Body
“Stereochemistry: Enantiomers”
“Isomers, Properties of Carbon, Biology, Khan Academy”
Lesson 10: Physically Changing Matter
“Soap Soufflé”
“The ABC’s of Gas: Avogadro, Boyles, Charles—Brian Bennett”
“CoCoRaHS Tutorial—How the Rain Gauge Works”
“How to Read a Weather Map”
“Charles’s Law, Physical Processes, MCAT, Khan Academy”
“Charles’s Law”
Lesson 11: Pressing Matter
“Boyle’s Law”
“Gay Lussac’s Law Practice Problems”
“Combined Gas Law”
“Boyle’s Law, Physical Processes, MCAT, Khan Academy”
Lesson 12: Concentrating Matter
National Mole Day Foundation Themes
“How Big Is a Mole? (Not the Animal, the Other One)—Daniel Dulek”
“Kinetic Molecular Theory and the Ideal Gas Laws”
“Introduction to Moles”
“Ideal Gas Law Introduction”
“Ideal Gas Law Practice Problems”
“Mole Road Map”
Lesson 13: Toxic Changes
“Periodic Videos”
“Hydrogen—Periodic Table of Videos”
“Exploding Hydrogen Bubbles”
“Balancing Chemical Equations”
“Physical and Chemical Changes”
“The Law of Conservation of Mass—Todd Ramsey”
“The Law of Conservation of Matter”
“Types of Chemical Reactions”
Lesson 14: Measuring Toxins
“Arsenic (New)—Periodic Table of Videos”
“Arsenic Life—Periodic Table of Videos”
“How to Calculate Molar Mass Practice Problems”
“Molar Mass”
Lesson 15: Toxins in Solution
“Chlorine—Periodic Table of Videos”
“Chlorine and War—Periodic Table of Videos”
“Molarity Practice Problems”
“Molarity and Dilution”
“Serial Dilution Method Protocol Step Wise Explanation”
Lesson 16: Acidic Toxins
“Calcium—Periodic Table of Videos”
“$500,000 of Calcium—Periodic Table of Videos”
“What Is the Deadliest Substance on Earth? Toxicity Comparison”
“Acids and Bases, pH and pOH”
“Acid-Base Titration”
“Naming Acids Introduction”
Lesson 17: Toxic Cleanup
“Silver—Periodic Table of Videos”
“Silver Halides—Periodic Table of Videos”
“Stoichiometry—Chemistry for Massive Creatures: Crash Course Chemistry #6”
“Limiting Reagents and Percent Yield”
“Solution Chemistry and Net Ionic Equations”
“Mole Ratio Practice Problems”
Lesson 18: Observing Energy
“Iron—Periodic Table of Videos”
“Burning Iron in Liquid Oxygen—Periodic Table of Videos”
“What is Entropy?—Jeff Phillips”
“The Laws of Thermodynamics, Entropy, and Gibbs Free Energy”
“Heat Capacity, Specific Heat, and Calorimetry”
“Entropic Time (Backwards Billy Joel Parody,” A Capella Science”
Lesson 19: Measuring Energy
“Gallium—Periodic Table of Videos”
“Melting Spoon in Tea—Periodic Table of Videos”
“How to Use a Fire Extinguisher”
“Combustion Reactions (3 of 11) Combustion Reactions, An Explanation”
“Calorimetry: Crash Course Chemistry #19”
“Food Calorimetry Lab: Explanation”
“Food Calorimetry Lab: Calculations”
“Hess’s Law and Heats of Formation”
Lesson 20: Understanding Energy
“Carbon—Periodic Table of Videos”
“Fire Safety System—Periodic Table of Videos”
“Activation Energy: Kickstarting Chemical Reactions—Vance Kite”
“Energy Diagrams, Catalysts, and Reaction Mechanisms”
Lesson 21: Controlling Energy
“Magnesium—Periodic Table of Videos”
“Burning Magnesium in Water—Periodic Table of Videos”
“How to Make a Lemon Battery”
“Redox Reactions: Crash Course Chemistry #10”
“Oxidation-Reduction Reactions”
“Galvanic Cells (Voltaic Cells)
“How Batteries Work—Adam Jacobson”
Lesson 22: Radiating Energy
“Neon—Periodic Table of Videos”
“What is Light? Maxwell and the Electromagnetic Spectrum”
“History of the Speed of Light and Its Speed Was Determined”
“How X-Rays See Through Your Skin—Ge Wang”
“Is Radiation Dangerous?—Matt Anticole”
“Radiation Protection: Calculate Your Radiation Dose”
Lesson 23: Chemical Equilibrium
“Plutonium—Periodic Table of Videos”
“How to Make Plutonium—Periodic Table of Videos”
“What is Chemical Equilibrium?—George Zaidan and Charles Morton”
“Equilibrium: Crash Course Chemistry #28”
Lesson 24: Changing Conditions
“Moscovium—Periodic Table of Videos”
“The Smelliest element—Livermorium—Periodic Table of Videos”
“Tennesine—Periodic Table of Videos”
“Oganesson—Periodic Table of Videos”
“Le Châtelier’s Principle”
“Le Châtelier’s Principle”
“Equilibrium and Cobalt Complex Ions, Chemistry Minute”
“Secret Message—Sick Science #067” (video length 0:50)
Semester Two Project
“Elephant Toothpaste—Safe Easy World Record Recipe”
“Amazing 9 Layer Density Tower—Sick Science! #012” (Video length: 1:24)
“Secret Message—Sick Science #067” (Video length: 0:50)
“Mentos Geyser Experiment”
Critical Media Literacy
Lesson 1
“Introduction to Media Literacy: Crash Course Media Literacy #1”
“History of Media Literacy, Part 1: Crash Course Media Literacy #2”
Lesson 2
“History of Media Literacy, Part 2: Crash Course Media Literacy #3”
Lesson 4
“Media & the Mind: Crash Course Media Literacy #4”
“Influence and Persuasion: Crash Course Media Literacy #6”
Lesson 5
“Sinclair’s Soldiers in Trump’s War on Media”
“The Dark(er) Side of Media: Crash Course Media Literacy #10”
Lesson 6
“The Colbert Report: The Word—Truthiness”
“Weaponizing Fake News”
Lesson 7
“Media Ownership: Crash Course Media Literacy #8”
Lesson 9
“30 Rock Snapple Product Placement”
“The Story of Stuff”
“Online Advertising: Crash Course Media Literacy #7”
Lesson 10
“Greta and Eight Young Activists Reveal How the Climate Crisis Is Shaping Their Lives”
“The Youth Activists Stepping Up for Climate Change”
“How These Youth Climate Activists Are Changing the Future”
“The True Cost of Oil”
Lesson 12
“Love, Simon ‘Why Is Straight the Default?’ Clip”
“Media & Money: Crash Course Media Literacy #5”
Lesson 16
“Media Policy & You: Crash Course Media Literacy #9”
Lesson 17
“Media Skills: Crash Course Media Literacy #11”
Lesson 18
“Future Literacies: Crash Course Media Literacy #12”
Drawing and Design 2nd Edition
Lesson 1
Video 1: Media and Materials
Lesson 4
Video 2: Using Frames While Drawing
Video 3: Sketches
Lesson 6
Video 4: Measuring with a Pencil
Lesson 7
Video 5: How Light Affects Shadows
Lesson 8
Video 6: Line and Mark Making
The Drawings of Kӓthe Kollwitz
Lesson 9
Wassily Kandinsky
Lesson 10
Video 7: Outlines, Contours, Cross-Contours
Lesson 11
Video 8: Making Gesture Drawings
Lesson 13
Video 9: Reverse Value Drawing and Applying Fixative
Lesson 17
Art and Artists: Kara Walker
Lesson 18
Video 10: How Lighting & Shadows Describe Volume
Lesson 21
Video 12: Linear Perspective
Lesson 23
Video 13: Creating Textures with Grounds and Media
Lesson 1: Money, Property, and Price
Lesson 4: Homo Economicus, Division of Labor, and Laissez-Faire
Lesson 5: Taxes, Borrowing, and Budgets
The Federal Budget in Fiscal Year 2020
Lesson 9: Marxism and Labor Unionism
Manifesto of the Communist Party, Chapter I, “Bourgeois and Proletarians”
Lesson 13: Global Institutions and Global Inequalities
Least Developed Countries
List of Countries by GDP (Nominal) per Capita
Lesson 14: Theories of Choice and Economic Behavior
Lesson 18: Natural Resources and Negative Externalities
Environmental Science for a Changing World
Lesson 2: What is Environmental Science?
“Tragedy of the Commons”
Lesson 4: Exploring an Ecosystem Field Activity
Nature’s Notebook
Lesson 7: Biogeochemical Cycles
Interactive diagram of the carbon cycle
Lesson 9: Evolution and Species Interactions
TED Talk by Sara Lewis:“The Loves and Lies of Fireflies.”
Lesson 10: Communities and Ecology
TED Talk by Paul Nicklen: “Animal Tales from Icy Wonderlands”
Lesson 11: Exploration Labs
“Ecological Succession: Change Is Good–Crash Course Ecology #6”
“Biomimicry’s Surprising Lessons from Nature’s Engineers”
“Biomimicry in Action”
You can start your research at
Lesson 12: Biomes
“Introduction to Biomes”
Lesson 14: Biodiversity
Living Planet Index
“Convention on Biological Diversity”
IUCN Red List
“The IUCN Red List: A Barometer of Life”
Lesson 15: Soundscape Ecology
“The Voice of the Natural World”
“Natural Sounds”
“Sophisticated Sonar of Wild Owls Hunting in the Arctic Forest”
Voices in the Sea
“Sounds in the Ocean”
Lesson 16: Human Population
It is fascinating to go to the world population clock ( and watch the numbers tick upward.
Census Website
“How Many People Can Live on Planet Earth?”
“Experts Be Damned: World Population Will Continue to Rise”
Lesson 17: The Environment and Health
“Amphibians Rarely Give Earliest Warning of Pollution”
“Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) Program”
Environmental Health News
Lesson 20: Urbanization
“Why It’s Usually Hotter in a City”
“Urban Growth Boundaries”
“From PlaNYC to OneNYC: A Comprehensive Sustainability Plan for New York City”
“7 Principles for Building Better Cities”
“Retrofitting Suburbia”
“Night Skies”
“Rate Your Night Sky”
International Dark-Sky Association
“Lights Out Program”
“Lights Out”
Lesson 21: Exploring Our Impact
International Student Carbon Footprint Challenge
Sustainability Fact Sheets
Carbon calculator #1: “Carbon Calculator”
Carbon calculator #2: “Calculate Your Carbon Footprint”
If you know your country uses mostly nonrenewable energy (fossil fuels or nuclear), you can use this interesting map at and choose a state that comes closest to what you think your country uses.
“What Is Your Ecological Footprint?”
“Carbon Footprint of Best Conserving Americans Is Still Double Global Average”
Lesson 23: Soil
Natural Resources Conservation Service website
“Collecting Crime Evidence from Earth”
Lesson 25: Mining and Mineral Resources
“At a Glance: H.R. 2579, Hardrock Leasing and Reclamation Act of 2019”
“Two Democrats Kill Chances of Reforming Outdated Hardrock Mining Law”
Lesson 26/27: Water
Learn more about the current status of Lake Powell
Glen Canyon Dam
National Geographic: Big, Bigger, Biggest Dam
“Building the World’s Largest (and Most Controversial) Power Plant”
Lesson 28: The Atmosphere
“The Antarctic Ozone Hole—From Discovery to Recovery, a Scientific Journey”
If you are interested in learning more, this website is also a very useful resource: Under “History,” there is a two-minute video about how the ozone hole was discovered, “Discovery of the Ozone Hole/Natural History Museum” (also found on YouTube).
NASA’s ozone hole watch
Lesson 29/30: Climate Change
“Statement and Poem by Kathy Jetnil-Kijiner, Climate Summit 2014—Opening Ceremony”
Visit, and find out the most recent concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, based on data collected from the Mauna Loa Observatory.
“Global Atmospheric Circulation”
“Atmospheric Circulation”
“Collapse of the Larsen B Ice Shelf”
“After the Larsen B”
“Miles of Ice Collapsing into the Sea”
“Ice Shelf the Size of New York City Collapses in East Antarctica”
Lesson 31/32: Nonrenewable Energy
Go to and look up Taylor Wilson. First listen to the very short and inspiring talk, “Yup, I Built a Nuclear Fusion Reactor.” Then listen to the 14-minute talk, “My Radical Plan for Small Nuclear Fission Reactors.”
“The True Cost of Oil”
“Gas Prices Around the World”
Lesson 33: Renewable Energy
TED Talk by William Kamkwamba:“How I Harnessed the Wind”
“National Geographic: Big, Bigger, Biggest: ‘Dam’ ”
Sun Chart Program
“Building the World’s Largest (and Most Controversial) Power Plant”
“Clear Cut: Wood Pellet Production, the Destruction of Forests, and the Case for Environmental Justice”
Lesson 34: Your Household Energy Consumption
Energy Use of Home Appliances
For Further Inspiration
The Great Sunflower Project
“RoadkillGarneau” (Epicollect5)
“Citizen Science” (Cornell Lab of Ornithology)
“Audobon Christmas Bird Count” (Audubon)
“Citizen Science” (National Wildlife Federation)
“Citizen Science” (Scientific American)
“Citizen Science” (NASA Science)
Zooniverse (a “master list” of citizen science projects)
French I
Lesson 3
French II
How to Easily Type and Pronounce the 5 French Accents
Voice recordings
Online dictionary
Verb conjugations
Lesson 1
“Meet the Youngest Winner of Paris’ Grand Prize for Best Baguette”
Lesson 2
Paris’s First Public Pools on the Seine Are a Major Success
Lesson 3
“L’Académie française se résout à la féminisation des noms de métiers”
Culture Prime: Héloïse Luzzati, ou la passion des compositrices
Les combinaisons de lettres et les sons en français
La prononciation des lettres en français
French Pronunciation—Les Voyelles Nasales “ON” “EN,” “AIN”
Lesson 4
Radio France Internationale—RFI
Radio France website
Radio France website/English version
Lesson 5
“PSG become first French club to join UN effort to tackle climate change”
Languages Online
Lesson 6
Stromae—Formidable (ceci n’est pas une leçon)
Angèle—Balance Ton Quoi
Lesson 8
“Haitian-Québécois author Marie-Célie Agnant visits Elon during Winter Term”
“Five Quebecois Writers You Should Know”
Lesson 11
“France moves ahead with bid to add climate protection to constitution”
“125 ans de loi forestière: un succès durable”
Lesson 12
“What is ringette?”
Lesson 13
Les Francofolies de La Rochelle 2021
Lesson 15
La jument de Michao
Manau—Mais Qui Est La Belette
Lesson 16
La Nouvelle-Orléans et le Deep South
Lesson 19
La ferme biologique La Touvière
Lesson 21
Americans Try to Pronounce French Words
Parisians Try to Pronounce Words in English
Lesson 22
L’Organization Internationale de la Francophonie
Le Sommet
Lesson 23
Fatou Diome: “J’ai trop de respect pour l’Afrique pour accepter qu’elle soit à genoux.”
Lesson 26
Pont Faidherbe (Senegal)
Monuments and Memorials in Bamako, Mali
Lesson 27
“‘It’s how we know who we are’: behind a docuseries on African American food”
Lesson 28
Haitian Creole—The World’s Most Widely Spoken Creole Language
Lesson 33
It snows in marrakesh
Forensic Science
Lesson 1
Crime Museum: Casey Anthony Trial
DNA expert: Blood on Westerfield’s Jacket matches slain girl’s
Lesson 2
O.J. Simpson acquitted
Crime Museum: JonBenét
Why Eyewitnesses Fail
Social Influence and Eyewitness Testimony
How Reliable Is Your Memory?
Innocence Project
Lesson 3
A Byte Out of History: Latent Prints in the 1933 Hamm Kidnapping
Richard Ramirez, the ‘Night Stalker’ Killer, Dies at 53
Your Fingerprints Reveal More Than You Think
Forensic Education Basic Fingerprint Lifting
Lesson 4
Murderpedia: Ludwig Tessnow
Fake Blood Recipes
Find the DNA in a Banana
Lesson 5
Central Park Five
Virtual Microscopy Interactive Tutorials
Smartphone Microscope Review
MicrolabNW Photomicrograph Gallery: Hair
Lesson 6
The Curious Case of the Poisoned Umbrella: The Murder of Georgi Markov
Forensic Files: Season 11, Episode 39, “Fired Up”
Forensic Files 2: Season 9, Episode 21, “Point of Origin”
Your Body at Different Levels of Blood Alcohol Concentration
Crime Museum: Pablo Escobar
Who Killed Pablo Escobar? Truth Told by DEA Agents
Lesson 7
Beltway Snipers
Latest appeal by Jesse Timmendequas to overturn conviction in Megan Kanka killing Is rejected
Forensic Files: Season 11, Episode 1, “Naughty or Nyce”
Lesson 8
A Forensic Anthropologist Who Brings Closure for the “Disappeared”
Lesson 9
Everyday Cybercrime and What You Can Do About It
Google Earth
Fundamentals of Physics
Online Textbook
Lesson 1A: Mathematical Skills and Concepts Review
Trigonometric Triangle
Manipulating Formulas: Area
Intro to Equations with Variables on Both Sides
Manipulating Formulas: Temperature
Slope Review
Worked Example: Slope from Graph
Intercepts of Lines Review (x-Intercepts and y-Intercepts)
Slope-Intercept Form Review
Point-Slope Form Review
Standard Form Review
Writing Linear Equations in All Forms
Hypotenuse, Opposite, and Adjacent
Trigonometric Ratios in Right Triangles
Solving for a Side in Right Triangles with Trigonometry
Intro to Inverse Trig Functions
Triangle Similarity & the Trigonometric Ratios
Trigonometric Ratios in Right Triangles
Solving for a Side in Right Triangles with Trigonometry
Lesson 1B: Introduction to Physics
Mars Climate Orbiter
Mars Climate Orbiter
Lesson 2: One-Dimensional Kinematics
Cost-Effectiveness of Helicopter versus Ground Emergency Medical Services for Trauma Scene Transport in the United States
Motion in a Straight Line: Crash Course Physics #1
1D Motion & Kinematics
Distance and Displacement Introduction
Average Velocity and Speed Worked Example
Instantaneous Speed and Velocity
Name That Motion
Lesson 3: Acceleration
About CERN
The Quadratic Formula
Choosing Kinematic Equations
Plotting Projectile Displacement, Acceleration, and Velocity
Lesson 4: Forces and the Laws of Motion
Iceland Geography Facts and Country Profile: Mountain Peaks, Ice Fields, and Plateaus
Newton’s Laws: Crash Course Physics #5
Friction: Crash Course Physics #6
Newton’s Laws of Motion
Free Body Diagrams
Types of Forces and Free Body Diagrams
Newton’s First Law of Motion Introduction
Applying Newton’s First Law of Motion
Newton’s Second Law of Motion
Newton’s Third Law of Motion
More on Newton’s Third Law
Problem-Solving Strategies
Lesson 5: Unit 2 Project: Egg Drop Experiment
SpaceX Successfully Landed Its Falcon 9 Rocket after Launching It to Space
Falcon 9
Lesson 6: Two-Dimensional Motion
Ski Jumping – Encyclopedia
Ski Jumping – Olympics
Why It’s Almost Impossible to Juggle 15 Balls
The Painter and the Pendulum
Vectors and 2D Motion: Crash Course Physics #4
Simple Harmonic Motion: Crash Course Physics #16
Trig Review for Physics—Common Math Tools
2D Motion
Simple Harmonic Motion: A Special Periodic Motion
Vectors—Motions and Forces in Two Dimensions
Breaking Down Forces for Free Body Diagrams
Inclined Plane Force Components
Period of a Pendulum
Definition of Amplitude and Period
Lesson 7: Circular and Rotational Motion
The Coriolis Effect: Earth’s Rotation and Its Effect on Weather
Local Acceleration of Gravity
Uniform Circular Motion: Crash Course Physics #7
Rotational Motion: Crash Course Physics #11
Torque: Crash Course Physics #12
Circular Motion
Rotation and Torque
Circular Motion and Satellite Motion
Change in Centripetal Acceleration from Change in Linear Velocity and Radius: Worked Examples
Identifying Centripetal Force for Ball on String
Identifying Centripetal Force for Cars and Satellites
Lesson 8: Unit 3 Project: Scientific Paper
Impact of Physical Properties and Accumulation Rate on Pore Close-Off in Layered Firn
National Snow and Ice Data Center, U of Colorado Boulder
US Antarctic Program Data Center, US National Science Foundation
Firn Metamorphism: Microstructure and Physical Properties
How to Use the Equation Editor in Google Docs
Lesson 9: Gravity
International Space Station
International Space Station Facts and Figures
Types of Orbits
The Human Body in Space
Newtonian Gravity: Crash Course Physics #8
Gravity and Orbital Mechanics
Introduction to Gravity
Viewing g as the Value of Earth’s Gravitational Field Near the Surface
Acceleration Due to Gravity at the Space Station
Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation
Lesson 10: Momentum
Death-Defying Designs for Car Safety
Collisions: Crash Course Physics #10
Conservation of Momentum
Angular Momentum
Elastic and Inelastic Collisions
Introduction to Momentum
Elastic and Inelastic Collisions
Changes in Momentum Worked Examples
Bouncing Fruit Collision Example
Momentum and Its Conservation
Lesson 11: Unit 4 Project: Rube Goldberg Machine
OK Go – “This Too Shall Pass”
Why You Should Make Useless Things
Simone Giertz
The Swish Machine: 70 Step Basketball Trickshot (Rube Goldberg Machine)
The Rube Goldberg Institute
Lesson 12: Introduction to Work and Energy
Wind Turbine Environmentally Friendly Wind Energy
These Giant Wind Turbines, Inspired by Palm Trees, May Be the Future of Renewable Energy
Segmented Ultralight Morphing Rotors Enable 50-Megawatt Wind Turbines That May Reduce Off-Shore Energy Costs by 50%
World’s Largest, Most Powerful Wind Turbine Stands Complete
Ground Testing of a 1% Gravo-Aeroelastically Scaled Additively-Manufactured Wind Turbine Blade with Bio-Inspired Structural Design
What Is the Block Island Wind Farm?
World’s Largest Wind Turbine Would Be Taller Than the Empire State Building
Work, Energy, and Power: Crash Course Physics #9
Work and Energy
Conservation of Energy
Work and the Work-Energy Principle
Work-Energy Principle Example
Conservative Forces
What Is Energy?
Law of Conservation of Energy
Work, Energy, and Power
Lesson 13: Heat
Using Sprinklers to Protect Plants from Spring Freezes
Temperature: Crash Course Physics #20
Kinetic Theory and Phase Changes: Crash Course Physics #21
The Physics of Heat: Crash Course Physics #22
Introduction to Energy
Heat Transfer
Specific Heat and Latent Heat of Fusion and Vaporization
Specific Heat Capacity
Thermal Conduction, Convection, and Radiation
Thermal Physics
Lesson 14: Thermodynamics
Energy: The Driver of Climate
Natural Climate Cycles
Climate Science Investigations, NASA
Thermodynamics: Crash Course Physics #23
Thermodynamics Part 1: Molecular Theory of Gases
The Maxwell–Boltzmann Distribution
First Law of Thermodynamics Introduction
First Law of Thermodynamics Problem Solving
The Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases
Second Law of Thermodynamics
Lesson 15: Unit 5 Project: Presenting Scientific Research Results
Events – Nature Careers
How to Make an Academic Poster in PowerPoint
Making an Academic Poster (A0 Size or Custom) with Google Slides
Lesson 16: Introduction to Waves
On This Day: Great Alaska Earthquake and Tsunami
1964 Great Alaska Earthquake and Tsunamis
M9.2 Alaska Earthquake and Tsunami of March 27, 1964
Basic Math—Graphing with a TI-83 or TI-84 Calculator
Traveling Waves: Crash Course Physics #17
Waves, Light and Sound
Introduction to Waves
Transverse and Longitudinal Waves Review
Properties of Periodic Waves
Wave Characteristics Review
Standing Waves on Strings
Standing Waves Review
Wave Interference
Wave Interference Review
Vibrations and Waves
Lesson 17: Sound
What Is up with Noises? (The Science and Mathematics of Sound, Frequency, and Pitch)
Sound: Crash Course Physics #18
The Physics of Music: Crash Course Physics #19
Production of Sound
Sound Properties: Amplitude, Period, Frequency, Wavelength
Speed of Sound
Standing Waves in Open Tubes
Standing Waves in Closed Tubes
Introduction to Sound Review
Beat Frequency
Beats and Interference of Sound Waves Review
Doppler Effect Introduction
Doppler Effect Review
Sound Waves and Music
Lesson 18: Light
Image of the Week—Why Is Ice Colourful?
Introduction to Light
Effects of Different Wavelengths of Radiation
Emission of Electromagnetic Radiation
Light Waves and Color
Lesson 19: Mirrors and Lenses
Geometric Optics: Crash Course Physics #38e
Optical Instruments: Crash Course Physics #41
Lesson 20: Diffraction and Interference
Why Are Stars Star-Shaped?
Light – Encyclopedia Britannica
Light Is Waves: Crash Course Physics #39
Physics Tutorial: Refraction and the Ray Model of Light
Lesson 22: Introduction to Electricity
Electric Charge: Crash Course Physics #25
Electric Fields: Crash Course Physics #26
Voltage, Electric Energy, and Capacitors: Crash Course Physics #27
Electric Charge and Light
Triboelectric Effect and Charge
Electric Charge Review
Conservation of Charge
Conductors and Insulators
Coulomb’s Law
Coulomb’s Law and Electric Force Review
Static Electricity
Lesson 23: Electrical Circuits
How Circuit Breakers Work
Electric Current: Crash Course Physics #28
DC Resistors & Batteries: Crash Course Physics #29
Circuit Analysis: Crash Course Physics #30
Capacitors and Kirchhoff: Crash Course Physics #31
Circuits, Voltage, Resistance, Current
Introduction to Circuits and Ohm’s Law
Resistivity and Conductivity
Current, Resistance, and Resistivity Review
Electric Potential Difference and Ohm’s Law Review
Electric Power
DC Circuit and Electrical Power Review
Series Resistors
Parallel Resistors (Part 1)
Parallel Resistors (Part 3)
Resistors in Series and Parallel Review
Voltmeters and Ammeters
DC Ammeters and Voltmeters Review
Electric Circuits
Lesson 24: Magnetism
Find the Magnetic Declination at Your Location
Magnetism: Crash Course Physics #32
Introduction to Magnetism
Magnetic Force on a Charge
What Is Magnetic Force?
Magnetic Field Created by a Current-Carrying Wire
What Are Magnetic Fields?
Flux and Magnetic Flux
What Is Magnetic Flux?
Faraday’s Law Introduction
What Is Faraday’s Law?
Lesson 25: Unit 7 Project: Communicating Scientific Ideas
Science Matters
National Geographic
Lesson 26: Special Relativity
Special Relativity: Crash Course Physics #42
Albert Einstein and Theory of Relativity
Lesson 27: The Quantum Nature of Light
What Can Schrödinger’s Cat Teach Us about Quantum Mechanics?
Quantum Mechanics—Part 1: Crash Course Physics #43
Quantum Mechanics—Part 2: Crash Course Physics #44
Photon Energy
Photon Momentum
Photoelectric Effect
De Broglie Wavelength
Lesson 28: Quantum Theory of the Atom
Nuclear Physics: Crash Course Physics #45
Atomic Energy Levels
Absorption and Emission
Emission Spectrum of Hydrogen
Types of Decay
Writing Nuclear Equations for Alpha, Beta, and Gamma Decay
Half-Life and Carbon Dating
Half-Life Plot
Exponential Decay Problem Solving
Lesson 29: Particle Physics
Astrophysics and Cosmology: Crash Course Physics #46
The Four Fundamental Forces of Nature—Origin & Function
Why & How Do the 4 Fundamental Forces of Nature Work
The Map of Particle Physics
GeoGebra Tutorial
Lesson 1
Exploring Points, Lines, and Planes (V1)
Angle Pairs
Bisector Constructions
Lesson 2
How to Play UNO
UNO (Game): The Rules & How to Play—According to Mattel
Proofs with Uno
Proofs with Uno Assignment
Lesson 3
Constructing Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
Algebra 1 Chapter 3 Part 2 Option 4 Example
Getting Started: Inequities and Restrictions
Lesson 4
SSA Exploration
AAA Exploration
Lesson 5
Points of Concurrency
Equidistance: Thunder and Lightning Part 1
Food Deserts in D.C.—Let’s Talk
What Are the Health Impacts of Food Deserts?
Go to the Atlas
Food Deserts
Equidistance: Thunder and Lightning Part 2
Lesson 6
Exterior Angles of Polygons
Lesson 7
Dramatic Texting and Driving PSA
Student Handout: Text Me Later
How Texting and Driving Are a Lethal Combo
6 Fascinating Places to See the Fibonacci Sequence
Doodling in Math: Spirals, Fibonacci, and Being a Plant (1 of 3)
Doodling in Math: Spirals, Fibonacci, and Being a Plant (2 of 3)
Doodling in Math: Spirals, Fibonacci, and Being a Plant (3 of 3)
Lesson 8
Exploring Reflections
What is Mandala Art—Origin, History and Benefits
Exploring the Mandala
Weaving African Baskets
Woven Together: The Art of African Weaving
Official Total View as Seen on TV Commercial
Student Handout: Blindsided
How to Adjust the Side View Mirrors of Your Car
Chapter 9 Project: Frieze Frames
Snowflakes, Starflakes, and Swirlflakes
Snowflake Symmetry Part 1
Snowswirls (rotational symmetry)
Lesson 9
Pythagoreum Theorem Info
Student Handout: See You Ladder
All-New Ascendant® 100’ Heavy-Duty Aerial Tower
More Lives’ Could’ve Been Saved on Emergency Response to Grenfell Fire, Report Says
Adding Vectors Geometrically
Pythagorean Theorem
Lesson 10
Birds 1—Geometric, One Motif, of a Square
Symmetry in Tessellations
Arcadia’s Art Exhibit
What is Tessellation? by M. C. Escher inspired Tessellation Art
What Is a Tessellation?
Mathematical Treasure: Old Babylonian Area Calculation
Lesson 11
Smart Water ‘What Makes Smartwater So Smart?
Student Handout: Bottled Water
How Much Plastic Is in the Ocean?
Acorn to Oak Filmed Over an 8 Month Period Time-Lapse
Student Handout: Timber
Satellite Shows Extent of Terrible Destruction to the Planet
Episode 6: Geometry—The Perfect Snow Cone (worksheet)
Episode 6: Geometry—The Perfect Snow Cone (video)
Episode 7: Geometry—Efficient Reshaping of a Snowball into a Snow Cone (video)
Episode 7: Geometry—Efficient Reshaping of a Snowball into a Snow Cone (worksheet)
Popcorn Prisms Anyone?
Popcorn Cylinders Anyone?
Lesson 12
Open Middle: Circle Tangent to Line
Locus Construction
“NonEuclid” Interactive Javascript Software for Creating Straightedge and Collapsible Compass Constructions in the Poincaré Model of Hyperbolic Geometry
Hyperbolic Geometry
Geometry - For Independent Use
Oak Meadow Lesson 1 (Textbook Lessons 1 – 10)
1: Points, Lines, and Planes
Instructional Video: Points, Lines and Planes (collinear and coplanar points)
Geogebra Investigation: Points, Lines and Planes
2: Segments
Instructional Video: Segment Addition Postulate
Practice Set: Segment Addition Postulate
Geogebra Investigation: Segment Addition Postulate
3: Angles
Instructional Video: Naming Angles
Reading Resource and Instructional Video: Angle basics and Angle Addition Postulate
4: Postulates and Theorems About Points, Lines, and Planes
Instructional Video: Postulates and Theorems about points, lines, and planes
5: More Theorems About Lines and Planes
Instructional Video: Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
6: Identifying Pairs of Angles
Instructional Video with Practice Problems: Complementary and Supplementary Angles
Instructional Video: Linear Pairs and Vertical Angles
Practice Set: Identifying Complementary, Supplementary, and Vertical Angle Pairs
Geogebra Investigation: Angle Relationships (book includes 5 demonstrations)
7: Using Inductive Reasoning
Instructional Video: Inductive Reasoning part 1
Instructional Video: Inductive Reasoning part 2
Reading Resource: Inductive Reasoning
8: Using Formulas in Geometry
Instructional Video: Area and Perimeter of rectangles and squares
Geogebra Investigation: Visual Proofs of the Pythagorean Theorem (book includes 4 activities)
Instructional Video: Using the Pythagorean Theorem to find area and perimeter of triangles
Chapter 9 Project: Frieze Frames
Snowflakes, Starflakes, and Swirlflakes
Snowflake Symmetry Part 1
Snowswirls (rotational symmetry)
9: Finding Length: Distance Formula
Instructional Video: Using the Distance Formula
10: Using Conditional Statements
Instructional Video: Conditional and Converse Statements
Oak Meadow Lesson 2 (Textbook Lessons 11-20)
11: Finding Midpoints
Instructional Video with Practice Problems: Finding Midpoints
12: Proving Lines Parallel
Instructional Video: Angle Relationships in Parallel Lines
Practice Set: Angle Relationships in Parallel Lines
Geogebra Investigation: Angle Relationships in Parallel Lines (book includes 3 activities)
Instructional Video: Proving Lines Parallel
13: Introduction to Triangles
Instructional Video: Classifying Triangles by Sides and Angles
Practice Set: Classifying Triangles by Sides and Angles
Instructional Video: Finding the Area of a Triangle
Practice Set: Finding the Area of a Triangle
14: Disproving Conjectures with Counterexamples
Instructional Video: Conjectures and Counterexamples
15: Introduction to Polygons
Instructional Video: Polygon or Non-Polygon?
Instructional Video: Classifying Polygons
Geogebra Investigation: Regular Polygons
16: Finding Slopes and Equations of Lines
Instructional Video: Finding Slope from a graph
Instructional Video: Finding Slope from two points
Instructional Video: Writing Equations of Lines
Instructional Video: Graphing lines in y=mx+b form
Practice Set: Graphing lines
17: More Conditional Statements
Instructional Video: Inverse and Contrapositive Statements
18: Triangle Theorems
Instructional Video: Triangle Sum Theorem
Geogebra Investigation: Triangle Sum Theorem
Instructional Video: Exterior Angle Theorem
Geogebra Investigation: Exterior Angle Theorem
19: Introduction to Quadrilaterals
Instructional Video: Introduction to Quadrilaterals
Practice Set: Identifying Quadrilaterals
Instructional Video: Area and Perimeter of rectangles and squares
20: Interpreting Truth Tables
Instructional Video: Truth tables, conjunctions and disjunctions
Oak Meadow Lesson 3 (Textbook Lessons 21-30)
21: Laws of Detachment and Syllogism
Instructional Video: Laws of Detachment and Syllogism
22: Finding Areas of Quadrilaterals
Instructional Video: Area of a Parallelogram
Practice Set: Finding Area of a Parallelogram
Instructional Video: Area of a Trapezoid
Practice Set: Finding Area of a Trapezoid
Instructional Video: Area of a Rhombus
Instructional Video: Area of a Rhombus (more in-depth)
23: Introduction to Circles
Instructional Video: Area and Circumference of Circles
Geogebra Demonstration: Area of a Circle
Instructional Video: Area of Circles Application Problem
Practice Set: Area of a Circle
Practice Set: Circumference of a Circle
24: Algebraic Proofs
Instructional Video: Algebraic Proofs
25: Triangle Congruence SSS
Instructional Video: Naming Congruent Triangles
Instructional Video: Triangle Congruence by SSS
Geogebra Investigation: SSS Demonstration
26: Central Angles and Arc Measure
Instructional Video: Major Arcs, Minor Arcs, and Semicircles
Instructional Video: Congruent Arcs
Instructional Video: Arc Addition Postulate
Geogebra Investigation: Exploring Arcs and Angles
27: Two-Column Proofs
Instructional Video: Intro to Two-Column Proofs
Instructional Video: Additional Example of a Two-Column Proof
28: Triangle Congruence SAS
Instructional Video: SAS Congruence with Example Proof
Instructional Video: Additional Example of SAS Proof
29: Using the Pythagorean Theorem
Instructional Video: Simplifying Radicals
Practice Set: Simplifying Square Roots
Instructional Video: Pythagorean Triples
Reading Resource: Pythagorean Triples
30: Triangle Congruence ASA and AAS
Instructional Video: ASA vs. AAS
Quizlet Flashcards: ASA vs. AAS
Instructional Video: Proof with ASA or AAS
Instructional Video: Why SSA Doesn’t Work
Geogebra Investigation: Triangle Congruence Shortcuts
Practice Set: Determining Triangles Congruent
Oak Meadow Lesson 4 (Textbook Lessons 31-40)
31: Flowchart and Paragraph Proofs
Instructional Video: Flowchart and Paragraph Proofs
32: Altitudes and Medians of Triangles
Instructional Video: Centroid vs. Orthocenter
Geogebra Demonstration: Centroids
Geogebra Investigation: Orthocenter
33: Converse of the Pythagorean Theorem
Instructional Video: Converse of the Pythagorean Theorem with Examples
Geogebra Investigation: Converse of the Pythagorean Theorem
34: Properties of Parallelograms
Instructional Video: Properties of Parallelograms
Geogebra Investigation: Properties of Parallelograms
Geogebra Investigation: Properties of Parallelograms 2
35: Finding Arc Lengths and Areas of Sectors
Instructional Video: Arc Length and Sector Area
Geogebra Investigation: Test Your Skills with Arc Length and Sector Area
36: Right Triangle Congruence Theorem
Instructional Video: HL with proof examples
37: Writing Equations of Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
Instructional Video: Parallel, Perpendicular, or Neither?
Instructional Video: Finding Slopes of Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
Instructional Video: Graphing Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
38: Perpendicular and Angle Bisectors of Triangles
Instructional Video: Using the Angle Bisector Theorem
Instructional Video: Incenters and Circumcenters
Geogebra Demonstration: Incenters
Geogebra Demonstration: Circumcenters
Geogebra Investigation: Circumcenters
39: Inequalities in a Triangle
Instructional Video: Ordering the Sides of a Triangle
Instructional Video: Triangle Inequality Theorem with Examples
Instructional Video: Exterior Angle Inequality Theorem with Proof Example
40: Finding Perimeters and Areas of Composite Figures
Instructional Video: Perimeter and Area of Composite Shapes
Practice Set: Perimeter and Area of Composite Shapes
Oak Meadow Lesson 5 (Textbook Lessons 41-50)
41: Ratios, Proportion, and Similarity
Instructional Video: Proportion Application
Instructional Video: Solving Proportions
Instructional Video: Similar Polygon Overview and Solving for Missing Parts
42: Finding Distance from a Point to a Line
Instructional Video: Using the Distance Formula
43: Chords, Secants, and Tangents
Instructional Video: Chord and Diameter Theorems
Geogebra Investigation: Chords, Secants, and Tangents
Geogebra Investigation: Diameters and Chords
44: Applying Similarity
Instructional Video: Using Proportions to Find Missing Sides of Similar Figures
Instructional Video: Ratio of Area and Perimeter of Similar Figures
45: Introduction to Coordinate Proofs
Instructional Video: Introduction to Coordinate Proofs
46: Triangle Similarity AA, SSS, SAS
Instructional Video: Triangle Similarity Theorems
Practice Set: Determining Similar Triangles
Instructional Video: Example of a Two-Column Triangle Similarity Proof
47: Circles and Inscribed Angles
Instructional Video: Inscribed Angles
Practice Set: Inscribed Angles
Geogebra Investigation: Inscribed Angles
Geogebra Investigation: Inscribed Quadrilaterals
48: Indirect Proofs
Instructional Video: Indirect Proof
Instructional Video: Indirect Proof 2
49: Introduction to Solids
Instructional Video: Introduction to Solids
Instructional Video: Euler’s Formula
50: Geometric Mean
Instructional Video: Finding Geometric Mean of Two Numbers
Instructional Video: Using Geometric Mean with Right Triangles
Oak Meadow Lesson 6 (Textbook Lessons 51-60)
51: Properties of Isosceles and Equilateral Triangles
Instructional Video: Using Properties of Isosceles Triangles
Instructional Video: Using Properties of Equilateral Triangles
Instructional Video: Proofs with Isosceles Triangles
Geogebra Demonstration: Isosceles Triangles
Geogebra Demonstration: Equilateral Triangles
52: Properties of Rectangles, Rhombuses, and Squares
Instructional Video: Properties of Rectangles
Geogebra Demonstration: Rectangle Properties
Instructional Video: Properties of Squares
Geogebra Demonstration: Square Properties
Instructional Video: Properties of Rhombuses
Geogebra Demonstration: Rhombus Properties
53: 45-45-90 Right Triangles
Instructional Video: 45-45-90 Triangles
Instructional Video: 45-45-90 Examples
Geogebra Investigation: 45-45-90 Triangles
54: Representing Solids
Instructional Video: Drawing Solid Shapes
55: Triangle Midsegment Theorem
Instructional Video: Proof of the Triangle Midsegment Theorem
Instructional Video: Using the Triangle Midsegment Theorem
56: 30-60-90 Right Triangles
Instructional Video: 30-60-90 Triangles
Instructional Video: 30-60-90 Examples
Geogebra Investigation: 30-60-90 Triangles
57: Finding Perimeter and Area with Coordinates
Instructional Video: Perimeter and Area on the Coordinate Plane
58: Tangents and Circles, Part 1
Instructional Video: Tangents and Circles
Geogebra Demonstration: Tangents to Circles
59: Finding Surface Area and Volumes of Prisms
Instructional Video: Surface Area and Volume of Prisms
60: Proportionality Theorems
Instructional Video: Using the Triangle Proportionality Theorem
Instructional Video: Transversal Proportionality Theorem
Oak Meadow Lesson 7 (Textbook Lessons 61-70)
61: Determining if a Quadrilateral is a Parallelogram
Instructional Video: Showing a Quadrilateral is a Parallelogram
62: Finding Surface Areas and Volumes of Cylinders
Instructional Video: Surface Area and Volume of Cylinders
63: Introduction to Vectors
Instructional Video: Intro to Vectors and Scalars
Instructional Video: Finding Magnitude of a Vector
Instructional Video: Adding Vectors Algebraically and Graphically
64: Angles Interior to Circles
Instructional Video: Tangents and Chords
Geogebra Demonstration: Tangents and Chords
Instructional Video: Arcs and Angles Formed by Chords
Geogebra Investigation: Angles Formed by Chords
65: Distinguishing Types of Parallelograms
Reading Resource: Properties of Parallelograms
Instructional Video with Practice Set: Quadrilateral Hierarchy
66: Finding Perimeters and Areas of Regular Polygons
Instructional Video: Perimeter and Area of Regular Polygons
67: Introduction to Transformations
Instructional Video: Intro to Rigid Transformations
Practice Set: Identifying Transformations
68: Introduction to Trigonometric Ratios
Instructional Video: Intro to Trig Ratios
Geogebra Practice Set: Test Your Trig Ratio Skills
69: Properties of Trapezoids and Kites
Instructional Video: Properties of Isosceles Trapezoids
Instructional Video: Examples of Trapezoid Midsegment Theorem
Geogebra Investigation: Isosceles Trapezoid Properties
Instructional Video: Kite Properties
Geometry Investigation: Kite Properties
70: Finding Surface Area and Volumes of Pyramids
Instructional Video: Surface Area and Volume of Pyramids
Geogebra Demonstration: Volume of Pyramid is ⅓ Volume of Prism
Oak Meadow Lesson 8 (Textbook Lessons 71-80)
71: Translations
Instructional Video: Translations
Practice Set: Translations
Geogebra Investigation: Translations with Vectors
Geogebra Activity: Tangrams with Translations
72: Tangents and Circles, Part 2
Instructional Video: Internal and External Tangents
Reading Resource: Common Tangents
73: Applying Trigonometry: Angles of Elevation and Depression
Instructional Video: Angles of Elevation and Depression
Instructional Video: Word Problem Examples with Angles of Elevation and Depression
Geogebra Investigation: Angles of Elevation and Depression
74: Reflections
Instructional Video: Reflections
Instructional Video: Determining Reflections
Practice Set: Reflecting Shapes
75: Writing the Equation of a Circle
Instructional Video: Writing an Equation of a Circle from a Graph
Instructional Video: Graphing a Circle from its Equation
Practice Set: Graph a Circle from its Equation
Geogebra Investigation: Relating a Circle and its Equation
76: Symmetry
Instructional Video: Lines of Symmetry
Instructional Video: Rotational Symmetry
Geogebra Investigation: Rotational and Reflective Symmetry
77: Finding Surface Areas and Volumes of Cones
Instructional Video: Surface Area and Volume of Cones
78: Rotations
Instructional Video: Rotations
Reading Resource: Transformation Cheat Sheet
79: Angles Exterior to Circles
Instructional Video: Angles Exterior to Circles
80: Finding Surface Areas and Volumes of Spheres
Instructional Video: Surface Areas and Volumes of Spheres
Geogebra Demonstration: Volume of a Sphere
Oak Meadow Lesson 9 (Textbook Lesson 81-90)
81: Graphing and Solving Linear Systems
Instructional Video: Solving Linear Systems by Graphing
Instructional Video: Solving Linear Systems by Graphing (Special Cases)
82: More Applications of Trigonometry
Instructional Video: Solving Right Triangles with Inverse Trig Functions
Geogebra Practice Set: Test your skills with Inverse Trig Functions
83: Vector Addition
Instructional Video: Adding Vectors
Geogebra Investigation: Adding Vectors
84: Dilations
Instructional Video: Dilations on the Coordinate Plane
Geogebra Investigation: Dilations
85: Cross Sections of Solids
Instructional Video: Slicing Solids
Instructional Video: Cavalieri’s Principle
Geogebra Investigation: Book Containing Multiple Cross Section Investigations
86: Determining Chord Length
Instructional Video: Chord Lengths
Geogebra Demonstration: Chord Lengths
87: Area Ratios of Similar Figures
Instructional Video: Ratio of Perimeter and Area of Similar Figures
88: Graphing and Solving Linear Inequalities
Instructional Video: Graphing and Solving Linear Inequalities 1
Instructional Video: Graphing and Solving Linear Inequalities 2
Practice Set: Graphing and Solving Linear Inequalities
89: Vector Decomposition
Instructional Video: Vector Decomposition Intro
Instructional Video: Vector Decomposition and Addition
90: Composite Transformations
Instructional Video: Composite Transformations
Practice Set: Composite Transformations
Geogebra Investigation: Composite Transformation Book (Multiple Activities)
Oak Meadow Lesson 10 (Textbook Lessons 91-100)
91: Introduction to Trigonometric Identities
Instructional Video: Intro to Trig Identities
Instructional Video: Proof of Pythagorean Trig Identity
92: Quadrilaterals on the Coordinate Plane
Instructional Video: Quadrilaterals on the Coordinate Plane 1
Instructional Video: Quadrilaterals on the Coordinate Plane 2
Instructional Video: Quadrilaterals on the Coordinate Plane 3
93: Representing Solids: Orthographic Views
Instructional Video: Orthographic Views
94: Law of Sines
Instructional Video: Law of Sines Solving for a Side
Instructional Video: Law of Sines Solving for an Angle
Practice Set: Law of Sines
95: Equations of Circles: Translating and Dilating
Instructional Video: Translating and Dilating Circles
Geogebra Investigation: Dilating a Circle
96: Effects of Changing Dimensions on Perimeter and Area
Instructional Video: Effects of Changing Dimensions on Perimeter and Area
97: Concentric Circles
Instructional Video: Area of an Annulus
Geogebra Demonstration: Area of an Annulus
98: Law of Cosines
Instructional Video: Solving for a Side with the Law of Cosines
Instructional Video: Solving for an Angle with the Law of Cosines
Practice Set: Law of Cosines
99: Volume Ratios of Similar Solids
Instructional Video: Ratio of Volumes of Similar Solids
Geogebra Investigation: Ratio of Volumes of Similar Solids
100: Transformation Matrices
Instructional Video: Adding and Subtracting Matrices
Practice Set: Adding and Subtracting Matrices
Global Climate Change
Lesson 1
The Case to Recognise Indigenous Knowledge as Science
The Battle against Buffel: Protecting County and Culture
We All Smell the Smoke, We All Feel the Heat. This Environmental Catastrophe Is Global
Lesson 2
Citizen Science Vital in Bushfire Recovery: Replacement link for Citizen Science Gets Active and Organised
What Is the ALA?
eBird, The Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Budburst, Chicago Botanic Garden
Community Collaborative Rain, Hail, and Snow Network
Plants and Climate Change
EarthEcho Water Challenge
Leaf Pack Network – Get Involved
“Examples of Citizen Science Projects Supported by EPA
Seventy-Five Scientific Research Projects You Can Contribute to Online
Indigenous Ecological Knowledge
Lesson 3
Mapped: How ‘Proxy’ Data Reveals the Climate of the Earth’s Distant Past
Visualizing Climate Change through Space and Time
A Brief History of Geologic Time
Tree Rings Simulation—Dendrochronology
About the Indigenous Seasons Calendars
Paleo Data Search
Australian Aboriginal Peoples’ Seasonal Knowledge: A Potential Basis for Shared Understanding in Environmental Management
Lesson 4
Are We Really Made of Stardust?
Feedback Loops: How Nature Gets Its Rhythms
Lesson 5
Big Oil Coined ‘Carbon Footprints’ to Blame Us for Their Greed. Keep Them on the Hook
U. S. Carbon Footprint Difficult to Reduce
Carbon Calculator
How Big Is Your Environmental Footprint?
Carbon Footprint Calculator, EPA
Carbon Cycling in the Earth System
The 35 Easiest Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint
His Epic Message Will Make You Want to Save the World
Lesson 6
American West(s): How the Yurok Tribe Is Reclaiming the Klamath River
Farming First Case Studies
There Are No Winners Here’: Drought in the Klamath Basin Inflames a Decades-Old War over Water and Fish
Introduction: Karuk Traditional Ecological Knowledge, Climate Change and Knowledge Sovereignty
Lesson 7
Inuit Artists on Their Changing Relationship with the Land and Sea
Disappearing Ice Is Threatening Native Alaskans’ Way of Life
Relocate or Rebuild? Indigenous Alaskans Are Forced to Choose
Arctic Sea Ice Extent
Activity: Greenhouse Gases
Lesson 8
Photographer Hopes to Draw Attention to Global Warming with Magnificent Polar Photos
Why on Earth Are Winters Getting Worse If the Planet Is Getting Warmer
Mass Gains of the Antarctic Ice Sheet Exceed Losses
Shoreward Intrusion of Oceanic Surface Waters Alters Physical and Biological Ocean Structures on the Antarctic Continental Shelf during Winter: Observations from Instrumented Seals
“Painting.” Artists and Climate Change
Atlas of Community-Based Monitoring and Indigenous Knowledge in a Changing Arctic
Animal Tales from Icy Wonderlands
Lesson 9
The Psychology of Climate Change—and How to Engage with It
Treehouse Climate Action Poem Prize
Love Poems in the Time of Climate Change
A Climate Change Poem for Today: The Solace of Artemis
Story Map: The Arctic—Closer than You Think
Lesson 10
The Animals That Will Survive Climate Change
Should Pandas Be Left to Face Extinction?
Namib – Encyclopedia Britannica
Namibia – Climate Change Knowledge Portal
Climate Change Effects on Desert Ecosystems: A Case Study on the Keystone Species of the Namib Desert Welwitschia Mirabilis
The Influence of Climate Fiction: An Empirical Survey of Readers
Recent Responses to Climate Change Reveal the Drivers of Species Extinction and Survival
Lesson 11
A History of FLICC: The 5 Techniques of Science Denial
Bill Nye’s Global Meltdown Climate Change Documentary
Before the Flood Full Movie National Geographic
Chasing Ice
Polar Extremes
Lesson 12
The Climate Crisis, Migration, and Refugees
Lesson 13
Indigenous Knowledge Meets Science to Take on Climate Change
24 Hours of Reality: ‘Earthrise’
Lesson 14
Quannah on Protecting the Arctic Wildlife Refuge
11-Year-Old Climate Activist Ridhima Pandey on Fighting Climate Change and Why India Is Vulnerable
Australian Students Plan School Strikes to Protest against Climate Inaction
‘It’s Time for Action’: Indigenous Water Activist Autumn Peltier to Speak at UN Forum
Leah Namugerwa: 16-Year Old Climate Activist on Mission to Replant Trees in Uganda
‘I’m Hopeful’: Jerome Foster, the 18-Year-Old Helping to Craft US Climate Policy
This Indigenous Teenager Is Fighting to Save the Amazon from Brazil’s Bolsonaro
NPR Student Podcast Challenge
Treehouse Climate Action Poem Prize
Lesson 15
The People Who Caused the Climate Crisis Aren’t the Ones Who Will Fix It
Online Infographic Maker to Create Your Own Infographic
Lesson 16
How We Survive: A Changing Mindset
Mitigation and Adaptation: Human Stories of Hope
Florida and the Rising Sea.” Surging Seas, Climate Central
Lesson 17
The Good News about Climate Change
Why Oil Country Is Turning to Wind Power
Health and Wellness
Lesson 5: Mental and Emotional Challenges
Teen Stress from a Teen Perspective
Cell Phone Addiction
What I Learned When I Gave Up My Cell Phone
Stress: Its Impact on Teens
Emotional Intelligence from a Teenage Perspective
Is Social Media Threatening Teens’ Mental Health and Well-Being?
Crisis Hotlines for Youth
Teen Line
A Dozen Times a Fictional Character Perfectly Portrayed a Mental Illness
How to Talk to Somebody About Suicide
Static vs Dynamic Stretching: Which is Better? (Evidence-Based)
21 Dynamic Stretching Warm Up Exercises
Lesson 7: The Nervous and Endocrine Systems
My Stroke of Insight
The Taste Map of the Tongue You Learned in School Is All Wrong
This Is Your Brain on Sports
One Head, Two Brains
Lesson 9: The Digestive and Excretory Systems
Rob Knight: How Our Microbes Make Us Who We Are
An Intro to the Gut-Brain Connection
The Gut-Brain Connection
How Bacteria Rule Over Your Body—The Microbiome
Lesson 10: The Reproductive System and Emerging Sexuality
Puberty Starts Earlier Than It Used To. No One Knows Why.
Why Sex is Not Binary
Lesson 11: A Dietary Assessment
Healthy Eating Plate
Lesson 12: Nutrients: Carbohydrates
Understanding Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load
US Government Rejects Scientific Advisors’ Recommendations on Alcohol and Sugar Consumption
Dietary Guidelines for Americans
Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load for 100+ Foods
Lesson 13: Nutrients: Fats
Lesson 14: Nutrients: Protein
Metabolic Syndrome: Prevalence among American Indian and Alaska Native People Living in the Southwestern United States and in Alaska
Standard Deviation vs Standard Error, Clearly Explained!!!
Why Did Europeans Evolve Into Becoming Lactose Tolerant?
Lesson 15: Nutrients: Vitamins and Minerals
Antioxidants and Cancer Prevention
Supplements: A Scorecard
Finding the Cure for Scurvy—Naval History Magazine
Milk vs Broccoli—In-Depth Nutrition Comparison
Lesson 16: Food Additives and Food Safety
Lesson 17: Food Ethics and Politics
Ethics on Film: Discussion of ‘Food, Inc.’
Ag United: What Food Inc. Does Not Say
Lesson 19: Weight and Health
Rowdy and Ragen “I’m Beautiful” West Coast Swing
The Healthy Teen Project: Resources
Contact the Helpline
How Ultra-Processed Food is Slowly Killing Us
The End of Fat Shaming Begins Here
Supporting someone with an eating disorder
Lesson 20: Personal Health Care
5 of the Best Core Exercises You Should Do Everyday
Does Posture Matter? A Deep Dive
Lesson 21: Personal Health Care
How to Help a Friend Dealing with Family Abuse or Neglect
Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline
Lesson 22: Conflicts and Violence
National Domestic Violence Hotline
Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline
How to Help a Friend Dealing with Family Abuse or Neglect
How to Help a Friend
Spiked Drink (Social Experiment)
Lesson 23: Coping with Crisis, Loss, and Grief
The Ubiquitous, Confounding, Misunderstood 5 Stages of Grief
Lesson 25: Tobacco
How to Do a Lunge
How to Do a Side Lunge
Lesson 26: Alcohol
Teen Corner (Alateen)
Alcoholism Resources and Support Groups
Lesson 27: Other Drugs of Abuse
Mechanism of Drug Addiction in the Brain
Addiction and the Brain
Lesson 28: Adolescence, Adulthood, Aging
A Map of Gender-Diverse Cultures
The Trevor Project
Direct Online and Phone Support Services for LGBTQ Youth
LGBTQ+ Youth Resources
Lesson 29: Sexuality, Relationships, and Sex
Dangers of Online Dating Sites
Romeo and Juliet: The World Changes. Children Don’t.
The Basics of Sexual Consent
Rise Above Let’s talk Consent in Relationships
Sexual Assault, Consent and Sexual Harassment: What’s The Difference?
‘Porn Stars’ Deployed in New Zealand Government’s Online Safety Campaign
How to Handle Getting Dumped
How To Be A LGBTQIA+ Ally
Sex in the States
Lesson 30: Family Planning, Pregnancy, and Birth
Effectiveness of Birth Control Methods
Health Experts Call for an End to Exploitative Baby Formula Milk Marketing Tactics
Pregnancy Information: Everything You Need to Know
The Condom
For Teens
Abstinence and Outercourse
Birth Control
Cesarean Delivery Rate by State
Lesson 31: Sexually Transmitted Infections
PrEP and PEP: HIV Prevention
HIV: It’s Called Treatment as Prevention
Personal Stories from People Living with HIV
Lesson 32: More Communicable Diseases and Health Care
Viruses Can Help Us as Well as Harm Us
Essential Skills & Drills for Running Form: 5 Beginner Run Drills
What Is Perfect Running Form? Run Technique Tips for All Runners
Lesson 33: Noncommunicable Diseases and Disability Access
Disparities in Health and Health Care: 5 Key Questions and Answers
Healthcare Triage
Lesson 34: Healing, Alternative Medicine, and the Environment
Here’s Exactly How Much Drinking Bottled Water Impacts The Environment And Our Health
Plastic Rain Is the New Acid Rain
Air Pollution
Key Findings: State of the Air
Lesson 35: Personal Safety and First Aid
The Hero's Journey: Literature & Composition
Lesson 1
Netflix’s Myths & Monsters: Joseph Campbell & The Hero’s Journey
The Hero’s Journey and the Monomyth: Crash Course World Mythology #25
What Your 6 Favorite Movies Have in Common
Lesson 14
Lesson 18
Lesson 20
Oscar Cásares Talks About ‘Where We Come From’
Lesson 22
Los del Valle Series—Oscar Cásares
Lesson 25
Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw
Lesson 27
Human Anatomy and Physiology - 1st Edition
Crash Course Anatomy and Physiology series
Lesson 1: Getting Started with Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Anatomy & Physiology: Crash Course A&P #1
Anatomical Position and Directional Terms
Body Farm – National Geographic Video Note: be prepared for some graphic images.
Down on the Body Farm: Inside the Dirty World of Forensic Science
Lesson 2: Human Body Systems
Vitruvius, On Architecture
Lesson 3: The Nervous and Endocrine Systems
Hormone Affects How Teens’ Brains Control Emotions
Studies of Interference in Serial Verbal Reactions
Demonstration of Stroop Effect—‘Name That Color’ Test
TED talk: What we’ll learn about the brain in the next century
Lesson 4: Respiration and Circulation
How to Measure Your Lung Capacity
Lung Capacity— A BodyWorks On Tour science experiment
“Label the Heart” quiz
Lesson 5: The Immune System
“5-second rule on dropped food may have some truth to it”
“Rethinking The Five-Second Rule: With Carpet, There’s No Rush”
Net Logo
Lesson 6: The Digestive and Excretory Systems
Gulp! The Quiz
The Inside Scoop on Your Insides
“The Marvels in Your Mouth”
Demonstrating Biology: It Takes Guts
Lesson 7: The Skeletal System
“The Skeleton and Bones”
Skeleton: Bones and Joints
Diagnosing Osteoporosis (Osteoporosis #3)
Lesson 8: The Muscular System
“Muscle Structure—Muscle Under the Microscope”
Lesson 9: The Integumentary System
“The Integumentary System, Part 1 – Skin Deep: Crash Course A&P #6
“The Integumentary System, Part 1 – Skin Deeper: Crash Course A&P #7”
Lesson 10: Reproduction and Development
Fertilization (Conception)
Human Embryo Growing from Fertilization to Day 6 Blastula
The Miracle of Life – 9 months in 4 minutes
Alexander Tsiaras: Conception to Birth – visualized
Life Before Birth – In the Womb
Greatest Miracle PBS
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
Baby Makers: The Fertility Clinic (IVF Documentary)
Lesson 11: Putting It All Together
Running On Empty
The Heart, part 2 – Heart Throbs: Crash Course A&P #26
What Will Humans Look Like in 100 Years?
We Can Reprogram Life. How to Do it Wisely
Latin American Literature: Borders and Identities
Lesson 1: Different Kinds of Borders
Why Are We Changing Maps? (from The West Wing)
Five Maps that Will Change How You See the World
The Border: A Double Sonnet
Border Lines
TV 2: All That We Share
Lesson 2: Latin American Borders and Identity
Why Mexican Americans Say ‘The Border Crossed Us
What Was the Mexican-American War?
The American Yawp: The New World
An Aztec account of the Spanish attack
A Brief Yet Captivating History of Latin America
How the U.S. Patrols Its Borders
U.S. Census Bureau
Hispanic vs. Latino vs. Latinx: A Brief History of How These Words Originated
A Conversation with Latinos on Race
Defining Latino: Young People Talk Identity, Belonging
“Because I’m Latino, I Can’t Have Money?” Kids on Race
Why Is Puerto Rico’s Political Status So Complicated?
Why Puerto Rico Is Not a U.S. State
Gripe: ‘We’re Chicanos–Not Latinos or Hispanics’
What’s with The X In Latinx?
Many Latinos Say ‘Latinx’ Offends or Bothers Them. Here’s Why.
The Problem with Latinidad
About 6 million U.S. adults identify as Afro-Latino
Lesson 3: The Push and Pull of Immigration, Part 1
NPR Oye: Meet Some of the Latinos Behind NPR
Weighing the Pros and Cons of U.S.-Mexico Border Barrier
Latino Americans, Episode 1: Foreigners in Their Own Land
Harvest of Empire: Introduction to Unit of Study by Director, Eduardo Lopez
U.S.-Mexico Relations
The U.S. Immigration Debate
Deportations, Assassinations, and Dictator Nations: A Timeline of U.S. Intervention in Latin America
Why Don’t Immigrants Apply for Citizenship?
Lesson 4: The Push and Pull of Immigration, Part 2
What’s Causing the Central American Migration Crisis?
Why Central American Migrants Are Arriving at the U.S. Border
If the Mango Tree Could Speak
Who’s to Blame for El Salvador’s Gang Violence?
The Other Side of Immigration
The Other Side of Immigration: Q&A with documentary filmmaker
Who Is a Migrant?
Who Is an Asylum Seeker?
Key Terms
U.S. Asylee Data 1990–2017
A Book of Poems: Expressions from our Youth
The Border Is Open, But Asylum Seekers Remain in Limbo
Asylum Seekers
Lesson 5: Narrative Poetry
Bartolomé de las Casas
Bartolomé de Las Casas Describes the Exploitation of Indigenous Peoples, 1542
7 Key Takeaways About Religion in Latin America
“Where I’m From” by Geoge Ella Lyons
“Child of the Americas” by Aurora Levins Morales
Lesson 6: Searching for Self
Calle 13–Latinoamérica
Calle 13–Latinoamérica (NEW English Subtitles)
Lesson 7: Claiming Agency
Latino-Americanos: The Children of an Oscuro Pasado
Latino-Americanos: The Children of an Oscuro Pasado (Video)
Lesson 8: Unit 2 Project
Royce Mann, Age 14, `White Boy Privilege’ Slam Poem
Marshall Davis Jones: `Touchscreen’
Denice Frohman—Borders
Sarah Kay & Phil Kaye—When Love Arrives
Elizabeth Acevedo—`Afro-Latina’
5 Tips for Slam Poetry
Lesson 10: Border Resistance
Isolated Tribes
Brazil: Uncontacted Tribe Members Targeted while Patrolling for Invaders
“Uncontacted Tribes” (Survival International)
“Uncontacted Tribes” (National Geographic)
The Last Member of an Uncontacted Tribe
Did Brazil’s Uncontacted Tribe Receive Proper Medical Care?
Lesson 11: Undefinable Borders and Assumptions
The Impact of Words and Tips for Using Appropriate Terminology: Am I Using the Right Word?
Hispanics Identifying Themselves as Indians
Rethinking the Brazilian Amazon: A Conversation with Indigenous Poet Márcia Wayna Kambeba
Poetry Corner
The Bear That Wasn’t
Lesson 12: Unit 3 Project
Book review: City of the Beasts (Vamos a Leer: Teaching Latin America Thought Literacy)
No Offense? Some Terms and Phrases to Become Aware of, Potentially Avoid, and Why
Lesson 13: Vignettes and Story Elements
Sandra Cisneros: Facing Backwards
Interview with Sandra Cisneros
“You Men” by Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz (Mexico)
“La Mano” by Alexandra Lytton Regalado (El Salvador)
“Looking at a Coyote” by Javier Zamora (El Salvador)
“Central American American” by Maya Chinchilla (Guatemala, second poem on page)
“Great Blood” by Sheila Maldonado (Honduras)
“It Has Always Been” by Adela Najarro (Nicaragua)
Lesson 14: Exploring Motivations and Borderlands
Which Way Home
Felipe’s Journey: The Boy Who Risked his Life for the American Dream
The Invisibles: Part 1—Seaworld by Gael García Bernal and Marc Silver
The Invisibles: Part 2—Six out of ten by Gael García Bernal and Marc Silver
The Invisibles: Part 3—What Remains by Gael García Bernal and Marc Silver
The Invisibles: Pt 4—’Goal!’ By Marc Silver & Gael Garcia Bernal
Who is Dayani Cristal?
‘This Is for My Son’s Life, My Wife’s Life.’ The Migration Journey to the U.S. Continues Despite Complicated Border Policy
Politics, Media and The U.S.-Mexico Borderlands
To Live in the Borderlands Means You
Photographs of Asylum-Seekers on Their Journey to Another Life
They Left Home. Now They Wait at the Border. Here Are Their Stories
Art at the Crossroads: Artists Addressing the U.S.-Mexico Border
The Street Art of El Paso, Texas—in Pictures
How Artists Can Shape Understanding of the U.S.-Mexico Border
Lesson 15: Considering Perspectives
Refugee Tales: A Conversation with Juan Pablo Villalobos
My Immigration Story
The Danger of a Single Story
What It’s Really Like to Be a Border Patrol Wife
Nowhere Man
Giants, Kikito
Border Kid, David Bowles
Hear My Voice by Warren Binford
Braceros: History, Compensation
Bittersweet Harvest: The Bracero Program 1942-1964
Stories from the Field
4 Tips for Talking to People You Disagree with
Food Chains (Full documentary) in Spanish and English
What’s It Like to Be a Migrant Worker in Vermont?
Made in L.A.
P.O.V. Discussion Guide: Made in L.A.
Lesson 16: Unit 4 Project
Art Inspired by `The Book of Unknown Americans
Lesson 17: Roots of Identity and Bridging Borders
An Updated Look at Diversity in Children’s Books
Using Children’s Books to Support Identity, Equity, and Inclusion
Mirrors, Windows and Sliding Glass Doors
Mirrors, Windows and Sliding Glass Doors
Border Tuner
Seesaws Built on U.S. Border Wall Win Prestigious Design Prize
Hugs Not Walls: Families Separated by US-Mexico Border Briefly Reunite
Diverse Book Finder
Lesson 18: Final Project
Annotated Bibliography Examples
Write a Letter to the Future
Math Connections
Lesson 1: Problem Solving and Critical Thinking
For help and extra practice with the concepts in this chapter:
Pascal’s Triangle patterns
Fully-worked example of the Four-Step Problem Solving Process
For fun and deeper exploration:
How to Solve It by George Polya
Logic puzzles and riddles
Sudoku, KenKen, Kakuro
Magic Square puzzles
Learn how to make your own Magic Square puzzles.
Real problem-solving in the news
“Wikipedia-size maths proof too big for humans to check,” from New Scientist, February 17, 2014.
Lesson 2: Set Theory
Dennis Wildfogel’s “How Big Is Infinity?” (TED-Ed)
Numberphile’s “Infinity is Bigger Than You Think”
The MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive
For help and extra practice with the concepts in this chapter:
A great explanation of what sets are, definitions of set theory terminology, and examples
Explanations and examples of how to solve word problems using Venn diagrams<
For fun and deeper exploration:
Infinite sets:
A proof that some infinities are bigger than others
A good explanation of infinite sets (also click through to the next page to continue the story)
An excellent TED-Ed lesson on the Infinite Hotel Paradox
Fibonacci numbers:
Fibonnaci applications
Puzzles whose solutions relate to the Fibonacci numbers
Games involving set theory:
SET, a fun and educational card game, is also available online and as an app
Lesson 3: Number Theory and the Real Number System
James Tanton’s video, “Divisibility Rule for 7
Scishow’s video, The Fibonacci Sequence: Nature’s Code
Cristóbal Vila’s short video, “Nature by Numbers”
For help and extra practice with the concepts in this chapter:
Khan Academy has a good explanation of how to use the Sieve of Eratosthenes to find prime numbers
Explanations and examples for the order of operations
Rational and irrational numbers
Khan Academy also has an entire section devoted to Scientific Notation
Exponent rules explained
For additional inspiration for the Fibonacci Inspiration activity, check out these videos:
Vi Hart’s Spirals, Fibonacci and being a plant video series (3 parts)
Arthur Benjamin’s TED Talk
For fun and deeper exploration:
Prime and composite numbers game
Learn how Eratosthenes calculated the circumference of the Earth in Khan Academy’s article
Learn more about that famous number, pi: To see what a million digits of pi really looks like, check out Numberphile’s “A Mile of Pi” video
To hear a tonal representation of the digits of pi, check out Numberphile’s “Sounds of Pi” video
To see artistic data visualizations of the digits of pi, check out Numberphile’s “Pi is Beautiful” video
Lesson 4: Algebra: Equations and Inequalities
TED-Ed talk given by Jeff Dekofsky
NOVA’s “Great Math Mystery”
For help and extra practice with the concepts in this chapter:
Khan Academy’s Linear Equations and Inequalities section
Proportions explanations and examples
Video on direct and inverse variation
For fun and deeper exploration:
For additional discussion to help you explore whether you believe mathematics was invented or discovered, check out PBS Idea Channel’s “Is Math a Feature of the Universe or a Feature of Human Creation?”
Lesson 5: Algebra: Graphs, Functions, Linear Functions, and Linear Systems
Line of Best Fit tool on the NCTM Illuminations website
For help and extra practice with the concepts in this chapter:
Graphing linear equations
Explanation of function evaluation
Explanation of scatterplots and regression lines
Solving systems of linear equations
Systems of linear inequalities
For fun and deeper exploration:
Now that you know a bit about correlation, it’s important to understand that correlation does not imply causation. In other words, just because two variables are related does not mean that one of the variables caused the other. This is a common logical fallacy that leads to invalid conclusions. Check out this Los Angeles Times article that makes the point that correlation does not imply causation. Then to drive the point home, visit the site that inspired the article, Spurious Correlations, to view a variety of amusing graphs showing two completely unrelated variables that just happen to be closely correlated.
Lesson 6: Polynomials, Quadratic Equations, and Quadratic Functions
Vi Hart’s video, “Doodling in math: Spirals, Fibonacci, and being a plant (1 of 3)”
Golden Spiral video
For help and extra practice with the concepts in this chapter:
For help with factoring quadratic equations
Solving quadratic equations using the quadratic formula
Solving quadratic equations using the square root property
Features of quadratic functions
Graphing quadratic functions
For a refresher on how to construct a square with straightedge and compass
For a refresher on how to construction a line perpendicular to an existing line
For fun and deeper exploration:
More on the legend of Newton and the falling apple
Lesson 7: Personal Finance: Taxes and Interest
NCTM Illuminations Compound Interest Simulator
For help and extra practice with the concepts in this chapter:
Percents explanations
Solving word problems with percentages
Calculating simple and compound interest
For fun and deeper exploration:
Find out more about incomprehensibly large numbers.
Lesson 8: Personal Finance: Saving, Investing, and Spending
How to Lie with Statistics, by Darrell Huff
Edmunds’ True Cost to Own
For help and extra practice with the concepts in this chapter:
For fun and deeper exploration:
Learn more about personal finance for teens at The Mint
Find out the real costs of owning a car as a teen
Lesson 9: Measurement
Khan Academy unit conversion section
More on converting units
The Metric System in the United States
For fun and deeper exploration:
Lesson 10: Geometry
Math is Fun Reflectional Symmetry page
Math is Fun Rotational Symmetry page
Dr. James Tanton’s “Generating Pythagorean Triples” video
Escher Gallery
Tessellation Creator tool at the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics’ Illuminations site
Platonic Solids tool from the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics’ Illuminations site
Platonic Solids Models from Math is Fun
For help and extra practice with the concepts in this chapter:
Khan Academy Geometry section with dozens of applicable videos
Math is Fun main Geometry page with dozens of links to topic-specific articles
Graphing circles
For fun and deeper exploration:
If you enjoyed the Platonic Solids activity, explore the duals of the Platonic Solids with these videos
For more on tessellations, visit here, or try this app
Lesson 11: Counting Methods and Probability Theory
TED-Ed video by Yannay Khaikin
TED-Ed lesson, “The last banana – a thought experiment in probability,” by Leonardo Barichello
Ron Clarke’s Monty Hall problem video
Horizons’ Monty Hall problem video
Stay or Switch simulation tool
Marilyn vos Savant’s “th” solution and criticism from the public
For help and extra practice with the concepts in this chapter:
Watch video explanations and try practice problems with the Khan Academy Probability and Combinatorics lessons
Practice figuring out which counting method to use and try your hand at some problems with the Counting Methods Review and Self-Test
For fun and deeper exploration:
Try challenging counting methods problems at
Try challenging probability problems at
Play some probability games here and here
Learn about the origins of Probability as discovered by Blaise Pascal and Pierre de Fermat in solving the Problem of Points
Lesson 12: Statistics
“Hans Rosling’s 200 Countries, 200 Years, 4 Minutes”
For help and extra practice with the concepts in this chapter:
Videos on descriptive statistics, including the mean, median, mode, range, quartiles, and standard deviation
Explanations of the Normal Distribution and z-scores
For fun and deeper exploration:
Hans Rosling about world statistics, watch his 2014 TED talk, “How Not to Be Ignorant About the World.”
“Improving Human Welfare in 2013 International Year of Statistics,” presented by
Lesson 13: Logic
“Guide to Common Fallacies Playlist” by PBS Idea Channel
Your Logical Fallacy
Colm Kellehar’s TED-Ed lesson, “Zeno’s Dichotomy Paradox”
Codebreaker game
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy’s fallacy page
Puzzle Baron’s Logic Puzzles
Puzzle Baron’s logic puzzle generator
For help and extra practice with the concepts in this chapter:
Math Goodies has a list of articles explaining various topics in symbolic logic from this chapter
Activity A help: Additional worked example of a Lewis Carroll logic puzzle, as well as more challenging puzzles
For fun and deeper exploration:
Lewis Carroll’s Paradox
Lewis Carroll’s book, Symbolic Logic (full text available online through Project Gutenberg)
The books The Mathematical Recreations of Lewis Carroll: Pillow Problems and a Tangled Tale by Lewis Carroll and C. L. Dodgson and Lewis Carroll’s Games and Puzzles by Lewis Carroll and Edward WakelingBrain teasers and puzzles has several fantastic pages with brain teasers and logic puzzles. The river crossing puzzles tend to be a student favorite. Try this and this to start, but be sure to explore some of the other pages. Answers are hidden until you click them. Don’t peek until you are sure you are ready to know the answer!
Challenge puzzles and problems: has a section with questions for all levels of logic. Quiz yourself on topics ranging from symbolic logic to games of strategy.
Grid-based logic puzzles:
Solve grid-based logic puzzles online or on an app
Learn about Euler’s Konigsberg Bridges Problem
An interview with Andrew Wiles, the mathematician who finally solved Fermat’s Last Theorem in 1993.
Recommended sites for general math help and practice (in no particular order):
Recommended sites for students ready for an additional challenge:
Personal Finance
Lesson 1: Behavioral Economics – Download PDF for Links + Additional Learning
Lesson 2: Consumer Skills – Download PDF for Links + Additional Learning
Lesson 3 – Banking Basics – Download PDF for Links + Additional Learning
Lesson 4 – Mobile Banking and Saving – Download PDF for Links + Additional Learning
Lesson 5 – Introduction to Credit – Download PDF for Links + Additional Learning
Lesson 6 – Managing Your Credit – Download PDF for Links + Additional Learning
Lesson 7 – Credit and Loans – Download PDF for Links + Additional Learning
Lesson 8 – The Stock Market – Download PDF for Links + Additional Learning
Lesson 9 – How to Start Investing – Download PDF for Links + Additional Learning
Lesson 10 – Auto and Home Insurance – Download PDF for Links + Additional Learning
Lesson 11 – Health and Other Insurance – Download PDF for Links + Additional Learning
Lesson 12 – Four-Year College and Alternatives. – Download PDF for Links + Additional Learning
Lesson 13 – Careers – Download PDF for Links + Additional Learning
Lesson 14 – Resumes, Cover Letters, and Interviews– Download PDF for Links + Additional Learning
Lesson 15 – Introduction to Taxes – Download PDF for Links + Additional Learning
Lesson 16 – Doing Your Taxes – Download PDF for Links + Additional Learning
Lesson 17 – Budgeting – Download PDF for Links + Additional Learning
Lesson 18 – Final Project– Download PDF for Links + Additional Learning
Oak Meadow Lesson 1 (Textbook Lessons 1 – 4)
1: Geometry Review
Instructional Video: Points, Lines and Planes (collinear and coplanar points)
Instructional Video: Naming Angles
Reading Resource and Instructional Video: Angle basics and Angle Addition Postulate
Instructional Video: Segment Addition Postulate
Instructional Video with Practice Problems: Complementary and Supplementary Angles
Instructional Video: Linear Pairs and Vertical Angles
Practice Set: Identifying Complementary, Supplementary, and Vertical Angle Pairs
Instructional Video: Angle Relationships in Parallel Lines
Practice Set: Angle Relationships in Parallel Lines
Instructional Video: Classifying Triangles by Sides and Angles
Practice Set: Classifying Triangles by Sides and Angles
Instructional Video: Area and Circumference of Circles
Geogebra Demonstration: Area of a Circle
Instructional Video: Arc Length and Sector Area
Geogebra Investigation: Test Your Skills with Arc Length and Sector Area
2: More on Area, Cylinders, Cones, Prisms, Pyramids, Spheres
Instructional Video: Area and Perimeter of rectangles and squares
Instructional Video: Finding the Area of a Triangle
Practice Set: Finding the Area of a Triangle
Instructional Video: Surface Area and Volume of Prisms
Instructional Video: Surface Area and Volume of Cylinders
Instructional Video: Surface Area and Volume of Pyramids
Geogebra Demonstration: Volume of Pyramid is ⅓ Volume of Prism
Instructional Video: Surface Area and Volume of Cones
Instructional Video: Surface Areas and Volumes of Spheres
Geogebra Demonstration: Volume of a Sphere
3: Pythagorean Theorem, Triangle Inequalities, Similar Polygons, Similar Triangles
Instructional Video: Pythagorean Triples
Reading Resource: Pythagorean Triples
Instructional Video: Converse of the Pythagorean Theorem with Examples
Geogebra Investigation: Converse of the Pythagorean Theorem
Instructional Video: Polygon or Non-Polygon?
Instructional Video: Classifying Polygons
Geogebra Investigation: Regular Polygons
Instructional Video: Similar Polygon Overview and Solving for Missing Parts
Instructional Video: Using Geometric Mean with Right Triangles
4: Constructions
Instructional Video: Construction Duplicating Line Segments and Angles
Instructional Video: Construction Angle Bisector
Instructional Video: Constructing a Perpendicular Bisector
Instructional Video: Constructing Triangles
Instructional Video: Constructing Parallel Lines through a Given Point
Oak Meadow Lesson 2 (Textbook Lessons 5 – 8)
5: Exponents and Radicals, Complex Numbers, Areas of Similar Geometric Figures, Diagonals of Rectangular Solids
Instructional Video: Evaluating Fractional Exponents
Instructional Video: Simplifying More Complicated Expressions with Fractional Exponents
Instructional Video: Intro to i
Instructional Video: Intro to Complex Numbers
Practice Set: Intro to Complex Numbers
Instructional Video: Simplifying Radicals with i
Practice Set: Simplifying Roots of Negative Numbers
Instructional Video: Ratio of Perimeter and Area of Similar Figures
Instructional Video: Intro to the Pythagorean Theorem
Practice Set: Using the Pythagorean Theorem
Geogebra Investigation: Visual Proofs of the Pythagorean Theorem (book includes 4 activities)
6: Fractional Equations, Radical Equations, Systems of Three Linear Equations
Instructional Video: Solving Rational Equations 1
Instructional Video: Solving Rational Equations 2
Instructional Video: Solving Radical Equations 1
Instructional Video: Solving Radical Equations 2
Instructional Video: Solving Triple Systems
7: Inductive and Deductive Reasoning, Logic, The Contrapositive, Converse and Inverse
Instructional Video: Inductive Reasoning part 1
Instructional Video: Inductive Reasoning part 2
Reading Resource: Inductive Reasoning
Instructional Video: Conditional and Converse Statements
Instructional Video: Conjectures and Counterexamples
Instructional Video: Inverse and Contrapositive Statements
Instructional Video: Truth tables, conjunctions and disjunctions
8: Statements of Similarity, Proportional Segments, Angle Bisectors and Side Ratios
Instructional Video: Similarity Statements
Instructional Video: Using Proportions to Find Missing Sides of Similar Figures
Instructional Video: Using the Triangle Proportionality Theorem
Instructional Video: Transversal Proportionality Theorem
Instructional Video: Using the Angle Bisector Theorem
Oak Meadow Lesson 3 (Textbook Lessons 9-12)
9: Congruent Figure, Proof Outlines
Instructional Video: Triangle Congruence by SSS
Geogebra Investigation: SSS Demonstration
Instructional Video: SAS Congruence with Example Proof
Instructional Video: ASA vs. AAS
Quizlet Flashcards: ASA vs. AAS
Geogebra Investigation: Triangle Congruence Shortcuts
Instructional Video: Proof with ASA or AAS
Instructional Video: HL with proof examples
Instructional Video: Intro to Two-Column Proofs
10: Equation of a Line, Rational Denominators, Completing the Square
Instructional Video: Finding Slope from a graph
Instructional Video: Finding Slope from two points
Instructional Video: Writing Equations of Lines
Instructional Video: Graphing lines in y=mx+b form
Practice Set: Graphing lines
Instructional Video: Rationalizing Denominators
Instructional Video: Completing the Square
11: Circles, Properties of Circles, the Quadratic Formula
Instructional Video: Major Arcs, Minor Arcs, and Semicircles
Instructional Video: Congruent Arcs
Instructional Video: Arc Addition Postulate
Geogebra Investigation: Exploring Arcs and Angles
Instructional Video: Chord and Diameter Theorems
Geogebra Investigation: Chords, Secants, and Tangents
Geogebra Investigation: Diameters and Chords
Instructional Video: Inscribed Angles
Practice Set: Inscribed Angles
Geogebra Investigation: Inscribed Quadrilaterals
Instructional Video: Tangents and Circles
Geogebra Demonstration: Tangents to Circles
Instructional Video: Tangents and Chords
Geogebra Demonstration: Tangents and Chords
Instructional Video: Arcs and Angles Formed by Chords
Geogebra Investigation: Angles Formed by Chords
Instructional Video: Chord Lengths
Geogebra Demonstration: Chord Lengths
Instructional Video: The Quadratic Formula
12: Angles and Diagonals in Polygons, Proof of the Chord-Tangent Theorem
Instructional Video: Angles and Diagonals in Polygons
Geogebra Investigation: Exterior Angles in a Polygon
Instructional Video: Proof of the Inscribed Angle Theorem
Geogebra Investigation: Inscribed Angles
Oak Meadow Lesson 4 (Textbook Lessons 13-16)
13: Intersecting Secants, Intersecting Secants and Tangents, Products of Chord Segments, Products of Secant and Tangent Segments
Instructional Video: Arcs and Angles Formed by Chords
Geogebra Investigation: Angles Formed by Chords
Instructional Video: Intersecting Secants and Tangents
Instructional Video: Products of Chords, Secants, and Tangents
14: Sine, Cosine, and Tangent, Angles of Elevation and Depression, Rectangular and Polar Coordinates, Coordinate Conversion
Instructional Video: Intro to Trig Ratios
Geogebra Practice Set: Test Your Trig Ratio Skills
Instructional Video: Solving for Sides in a Right Triangle
Instructional Video: Solving Right Triangles with Inverse Trig Functions
Geogebra Practice Set: Test your skills with Inverse Trig Functions
Instructional Video: Angles of Elevation and Depression
Instructional Video: Word Problem Examples with Angles of Elevation and Depression
Geogebra Investigation: Angles of Elevation and Depression
Instructional Video: Polar Coordinates
Instructional Video: Convert Rectangular to Polar Coordinates
Instructional Video: Convert Polar to Rectangular Coordinates
15: Assumptions, Proofs
Instructional Video: Intro to Two-Column Proofs
Instructional Video: Flowchart and Paragraph Proofs
Instructional Video: Additional Example of a Two-Column Proof
Instructional Video: Additional Example of SAS Proof
16: Complex Fractions, Abstract Equations, Division of Polynomials
Instructional Video: Simplifying Complex Fractions 1
Instructional Video: Simplifying Complex Fractions 2
Instructional Video: Simplifying Complex Fractions 3
Instructional Video: Solving Abstract Equations
Instructional Video: Intro to Polynomial Division
Instructional Video: Polynomial Division with Placeholders and Remainders
Practice Set: Polynomial Division
Oak Meadow Lesson 5 (Textbook Lessons 17-20)
17: Proofs of the Pythagorean Theorem, Proofs of Similarity
Instructional Video: Proofs of the Pythagorean Theorem
Instructional Video: Triangle Similarity Theorems
Practice Set: Determining Similar Triangles
Instructional Video: Example of a Two-Column Triangle Similarity Proof
18: Advanced Word Problems
Instructional Video: Triple System Word Problems
Instructional Video: Inverse Variation Word Problems
Instructional Video: Mixture Word Problem 1
Instructional Video: Mixture Word Problem 2
19: Nonlinear Systems, Factoring Exponentials, Sum and Difference of Two Cubes
Instructional Video: Nonlinear Systems
Instructional Video: Difference of Two Squares
Practice Set: Difference of Two Squares
Instructional Video: Sum of Two Cubes
Instructional Video: Difference of Two Cubes
20: Two Special Triangles
Instructional Video: 45-45-90 Triangles
Instructional Video: 45-45-90 Examples
Geogebra Investigation: 45-45-90 Triangles
Instructional Video: 30-60-90 Triangles
Instructional Video: 30-60-90 Examples
Geogebra Investigation: 30-60-90 Triangles
Oak Meadow Lesson 6 (Textbook Lessons 21-24)
21: Evaluating Functions, Domain and Range, Types of Functions, Tests for Functions
Instructional Video: Evaluating Functions
Instructional Video: Domain and Range Examples
Instructional Video: Set Notation
Instructional Video: What is a Function?
Instructional Video: Vertical and Horizontal Line Tests
22: Absolute Value, Reciprocal Functions
Instructional Video: Intro to Absolute Value
Instructional Video: Matching Number Lines to Absolute Value Inequalities
Instructional Video: Graphs of Reciprocal Functions
23: The Exponential Function, Sketching Exponentials
Instructional Video: Intro to Exponential Functions
Instructional Video: Graphing Exponential Functions
Geogebra Investigation: Graphs of Exponential Functions
24: Sums of Trigonometric Functions, Combining Functions
Instructional Video: Trig Functions in Special Right Triangles
Instructional Video: Combining Functions
Instructional Video: Composition of Functions
Oak Meadow Lesson 7 (Textbook Lessons 25-28)
25: Age Problems, Rate Problems
Instructional Video: Age Problem
Instructional Video: Rate Problem 1
Instructional Video: Rate Problem 2
26: The Logarithmic Form of the Exponential, Logarithmic Equations
Instructional Video: Converting between Logarithmic and Exponential Form
Instructional Video: Solving Logarithmic Equations
27: Related Angles, Signs of Trigonometric Functions
Instructional Video: Related Angles (focus on examples in degrees only)
Instructional Video: Signs of Trig Functions
28: Factorial Notation, Abstract Rate Problems
Instructional Video: Factorials
Instructional Video: Abstract Rate Problems
Oak Meadow Lesson 8 (Textbook Lessons 29-32)
29: The Unit Circle, Very Large and Very Small Fractions, Quadrantal Angles
Instructional Video: Unit Circle Basics
Instructional Video: Quadrantal Angles
30: Adding Vectors, Overlapping Triangles
Instructional Video: Adding Vectors
Instructional Video: Proofs with Overlapping Triangles
31: Symmetry, Reflections, Translations
Instructional Video: Functional Symmetry
Instructional Video: Reflections of Functions
Instructional Video: Translations of Functions
Geogebra Investiga: Transformations of Functions
32: Inverse Functions, Four Quadrant Signs, Inverse Trigonometric Functions
Instructional Video: Intro to Inverse Functions
Instructional Video: Finding an Inverse Algebraically
Instructional Video: Four Quadrant Signs
Instructional Video: Intro to Inverse Sine
Instructional Video: Intro to Inverse Cosine
Instructional Video: Intro to Inverse Tangent
Instructional Video: Additional Inverse Trig Examples
Practice Set: Inverse Trig Functions
Oak Meadow Lesson 9 (Textbook Lesson 33-36)
33: Quadrilaterals, Properties of Parallelograms, Types of Parallelograms, Conditions for Parallelograms, Trapezoids
Instructional Video: Introduction to Quadrilaterals
Practice Set: Identifying Quadrilaterals
Instructional Video: Properties of Parallelograms
Geogebra Investigation: Properties of Parallelograms
Geogebra Investigation: Properties of Parallelograms 2
Instructional Video: Properties of Rectangles
Geogebra Demonstration: Rectangle Properties
Instructional Video: Properties of Squares
Geogebra Demonstration: Square Properties
Instructional Video: Properties of Rhombuses
Geogebra Demonstration: Rhombus Properties
Instructional Video: Showing a Quadrilateral is a Parallelogram
Reading Resource: Properties of Parallelograms
Instructional Video with Practice Set: Quadrilateral Hierarchy
Instructional Video: Properties of Isosceles Trapezoids
Instructional Video: Examples of Trapezoid Midsegment Theorem
Geogebra Investigation: Isosceles Trapezoid Properties
34: Summation Notation, Linear Regression, Decomposing Functions
Instructional Video: Summation Notation
Practice Set: Summation Notation
Instructional Video: Intro to Linear Regression
Instructional Video: Linear Regression
Instructional Video: Decomposing Functions
35: Change in Coordinates, The Name of a Number, The Distance Formula
Instructional Video: Directed Distance
Instructional Video: Using the Distance Formula
36: Angles Greater than 360, Sums of Trigonometric Functions, Boat in the River Problems
Instructional Video: Angles Greater than 360 Intro
Instructional Video: Finding Exact Values of Trig Functions
Instructional Video: Boat in the River Problems
Oak Meadow Lesson 10 (Textbook Lessons 37-40)
37: The Line as a Locus, The Midpoint Formula
Instructional Video: The Line as a Locus
Instructional Video with Practice Problems: Finding Midpoints
38: Fundamental Counting Principle and Permutations, Designated Roots, Overall Average Rate
Instructional Video: Fundamental Counting Principle and Permutations
Instructional Video: Designated Roots
Instructional Video: Overall Average Rate
39: Radian Measure of Angles, Forms of Linear Equations
Instructional Video: Intro to Radians
Instructional Video: Converting Between Degrees and Radians
Practice Set: Converting Radians and Degrees
Instructional Video: Radian Angles in Quadrants
Practice Set: Radians in the Unit Circle
Instructional Video: Forms of Linear Equations (Standard/General, slope-intercept, point-slope)
Instructional Video: Double Intercept Form of a Line
Practice Set: Linear Equations
40: The Argument in Mathematics, The Laws of Logarithms, Properties of Inverse Functions
Instructional Video: The Argument
Instructional Video: Properties of Logs
Instructional Video: Verifying Inverse Functions
Oak Meadow Lesson 11 (Textbook Lessons 41-44)
41: Reciprocal Trigonometric Functions, Permutation Notation
Instructional Video: Reciprocal Trig Functions
Instructional Video: Evaluating Reciprocal Trig Functions
Instructional Video: Permutation Notation
42: Conic Sections, Circles, Constants in Exponential Functions
Instructional Video: Intro to Conic Sections
Instructional Video: Writing an Equation of a Circle from a Graph
Instructional Video: Graphing a Circle from its Equation
Practice Set: Graph a Circle from its Equation
Geogebra Investigation: Relating a Circle and its Equation
Instructional Video: Graphing Exponential Functions
43: Periodic Functions, Graphs of sin and cos
Instructional Video: Intro to Periodic Functions
Instructional Video: Graphs of sin and cos
Instructional Video: Graphs of sin and cos with Amplitude and Period (focus on Amplitude)
Geogebra Investigation: Amplitude of Sine and Cosine
44: Abstract Rate Problems
Instructional Video: Rate Problems from Textbook
Oak Meadow Lesson 12 (Textbook Lessons 45-48)
45: Conditional Permutations, Two-Variable Analysis Using a Graphing Calculator
Instructional Video: Conditional Permutations
Instructional Video: Linear Regression on a TI84 Graphing Calculator
46: Complex Roots, Factoring Over the Complex Numbers
Instructional Video: Writing Equations Given Complex Roots
Instructional Video: Solving Quadratics with Complex Roots
Practice Set: Solving Quadratics with Complex Roots
47: Vertical Sinusoid Translations, Arctan
Instructional Video: Horizontal and Vertical Transformation of Sin and Cos (focus on vertical)
Instructional Video: Vertical Transformation of Sin and Cos
Geogebra Investigation: Amplitude and Vertical Translation of Sine and Cosine
Instructional Video: Arctan Example
48: Powers of Trigonometric Functions, Perpendicular Bisectors
Instructional Video: Powers of Trig Functions
Instructional Video: Perpendicular Bisector
Oak Meadow Lesson 13 (Textbook Lessons 49-52)
49: The Logarithmic Function, Development of the Rules for Logarithms
Instructional Video: Intro to Log Graphs
Instructional Video: Proofs of Log Properties
50: Trigonometric Equations
Instructional Video: Solving Trig Equations *Ignore the +2n part of the solution for now
51: Common Logarithms and Natural Logarithms
Instructional Video: Common vs. Natural Log
52: The Inviolable Argument, Arguments in Trigonometric Equations
Instructional Video: The Inviolable Argument
Instructional Video: Arguments in Trig Equations
Oak Meadow Lesson 14 (Textbook Lessons 53-56)
53: Review of Unit Multipliers, Angular Velocity
Instructional Video: Unit Multipliers
Instructional Video: Linear and Angular Velocity
Instructional Video: Angular Velocity Example
54: Parabolas
Instructional Video: Parabola Vertex and Axis of Symmetry
Practice Set: Properties of Parabolas
Instructional Video: Graphing by Completing the Square with Negative Coefficient
Instructional Video: Graphing by Completing the Square with a>1
55: Circular Permutations, Distinguishable Permutations
Instructional Video: Linear and Circular Permutations
Instructional Video: Distinguishable Permutations
56: Triangular Areas, Areas of Segments, Systems of Inequalities
Instructional Video: Area of Triangles
Instructional Video: Area of a Trapezoid
Practice Set: Finding Area of a Trapezoid
Instructional Video: Area of Sectors and Segments in Circles
Instructional Video: Systems of Linear and Quadratic Inequalities
Instructional Video: Systems of Linear and Circle Inequalities
Oak Meadow Lesson 15 (Textbook Lessons 57-60)
57: Phase Shifts in Sinusoids, Period of a Sinusoid
Instructional Video: Phase Shifts
Instructional Video: Period, Amplitude and Phase Shift
Geogebra Investigation: Transformations of a sine graph
58: Distance From a Point to a Line, Narrow and Wide Parabolas
Instructional Video: Distance Between a Point and a Line
Practice Set: Distance Between a Point and a Line
Instructional Video: How Leading Coefficient Affects Shape of Parabola
Instructional Video: Graphing Parabola with Leading Coefficient
59: Advanced Logarithm Problems, The Color of the White House
Instructional Video: Solving Log Equations
Instructional Video: Solving Log Equations 2
Instructional Video: “Color of the White House” Problems
60: Factorable Trigonometric Equations, Loss of Solutions Caused by Division
Instructional Video: Factoring Trig Equations GCF
Oak Meadow Lesson 16 (Textbook Lessons 61-64)
61: Single Variable Analysis, The Normal Distribution, Box and Whisker Plots
Instructional Video: Standard Deviation
Instructional Video: Into to Normal Distribution
Instructional Video: Constructing Box and Whisker Plots
Instructional Video: Reading Box and Whisker Plots
Instructional Video: Interpreting Box and Whisker Plots
62: Abstract Coefficients, Linear Variation
Instructional Video: Abstract Coefficients and Linear Variation
63: Circles and Completing the Square
Instructional Video: Circles and Completing the Square
64: The Complex Plane, Polar Form of a Complex Number, Sums and Products of Complex Numbers
Instructional Video: The Complex Plane
Instructional Video: Polar Form of a Complex Number
Instructional Video: Sums and Products of Complex Numbers (complete Saxon lesson)
Oak Meadow Lesson 17 (Textbook Lessons 65-68)
65: Radicals in Trigonometric Equations, Graphs of Logarithmic Functions
Instructional Video: Trig Equation with Radical
Instructional Video: Graphs of Log Functions
66: Formulas for Systems of Equations, Phase Shifts and Period Changes
Instructional Video: Formula for Systems of Equations with Phase Shifts and Period Changes
67: Antilogarithms
Instructional Video: Antilogarithm on a Graphing Calculator
Instruction Video: Antilogarithm on Scientific Calculator
68: Locus Definition of a Parabola, Translate Parabolas, Applications, Derivation
Instructional Video: Locus of a Parabola
Instructional Video: Finding Focus and Directrix from Equation
Instructional Video: Finding Equation of Parabola given Vertex and Focus
Oak Meadow Lesson 18 (Textbook Lessons 69-72)
69: Matrices, Determinants
Instructional Video: Intro to Matrices
Instructional Video: Determinants 2×2
70: Percentiles and Z Scores
Instructional Video: Percentiles and Z Scores
71: The Ellipse (1)
Instructional Video: Ellipses
Practice Set: Ellipses
72: One Side Plus Two Other Parts, Law of Sines
Instructional Video: Law of Sines Solving for a Side
Instructional Video: Law of Sines Solving for an Angle
Practice Set: Law of Sines
Oak Meadow Lesson 19 (Textbook Lessons 73-76)
73: Regular Polygons
Instructional Video: Perimeter and Area of Regular Polygons
74: Cramer’s Rule
Instructional Video: Cramer’s Rule
75: Combinations
Instructional Video: Intro to Combinations
Instructional Video: Combination Formula
Practice Set: Combinations
76: Functions of (-x), Functions of the Other Angle, Trigonometric Identities (1), Rules of the Game
Instructional Video: Even and Odd Functions (Trig)
Instructional Video: Complementary Angles (Trig)
Instructional Video: Verifying Trig Identities
Oak Meadow Lesson 20 (Textbook Lessons 77-80)
77: Binomial Expansions (1)
Instructional Video: Binomial Expansion
78: The Hyperbola
Instructional Video: Hyperbola
79: De Moivre’s Theorem, Roots of Complex Numbers
Instructional Video: De Moivre’s Theorem
Instructional Video: Roots of Complex Numbers
80: Trigonometric Identities (2)
Instructional Video: Pythagorean Trig Identities
Instructional Video: Verifying Trig Identities
Oak Meadow Lesson 21 (Textbook Lessons 81-84)
81: Law of Cosines
Instructional Video: Solving for a Side with the Law of Cosines
Instructional Video: Solving for an Angle with the Law of Cosines
Practice Set: Law of Cosines
Instructional Video: Some Examples Using Law of Sines and Cosines
82: Taking the Logarithm of, Exponential Equations
Instructional Video: Solving Exponential Equations with Logs
83: Simple Probability, Independent Events, Replacement
Instructional Video: Simple Probability
Instructional Video: Independent Events
Instructional Video: Examples with and without Replacement
84: Factorable Expressions, Sketching Sinusoidals
Instructional Video: Verifying Identities with Factoring 1
Instructional Video: Verifying Identities with Factoring 2
Instructional Video: Graphing Sine and Cosine
Oak Meadow Lesson 22 (Textbook Lessons 85-88)
85: Advanced Trigonometric Equations, Clock Problems
Instructional Video: Advanced Trig Equations
Instructional Video: Clock Problems
86: Arithmetic Progressions and Arithmetic Means
Instructional Video: Arithmetic Sequences
Instructional Video: Arithmetic Means
87: Sum and Difference Identities, Tangent Identities
Instructional Video: Sum and Difference of all Three Trig Functions with Examples
88: Exponential Functions (Growth and Decay)
Instructional Video: Exponential Decay
Instructional Video: Half-Life Applications
Oak Meadow Lesson 23 (Textbook Lessons 89-92)
89: The Ellipse (2)
Instructional Video: Write Equation Given Vertices and Foci
Instructional Video: Write Equation Given Axes and Center
90: Double Angle Identities, Half Angle Identities
Instructional Video: Half and Double Angle Identities
Instructional Video: Half and Double Angle Additional Examples
91: Geometric Progressions
Instructional Video: Geometric Sequences
Instructional Video: Finding Geometric Means
Practice Set: Geometric Sequences
92: Probability of Either, Notations for Permutations and Combinations
Instructional Video: Mutually Exclusive Events
Instructional Video: Permutations and Combinations
Oak Meadow Lesson 24 (Textbook Lessons 93-96)
93: Advanced Trigonometric Identities, Triangle Inequalities (2)
Instructional Video: Verifying Advanced Trig Identities
Instructional Video: Converse of the Pythagorean Theorem with Examples
Geogebra Investigation: Converse of the Pythagorean Theorem
94: Graphs of Secant and Cosecant, Graphs of Tangent and Cotangent
Instructional Video: Secant and Cosecant Graphs
Instructional Video: Graphs of Tangent and Cotangent
95: Advanced Complex Roots
Instructional Video: Advanced Complex Roots
96: More Double Angle Identities, Triangle Area Formula, Proof of the Law of Sines, Equal Angles Imply Proportional Sides
Instructional Video: Area of a Triangle Using Sine
Instructional Video: Proof of the Law of Sines
Oak Meadow Lesson 25 (Textbook Lessons 97-100)
97: The Ambiguous Case
Instructional Video: Law of Sines the Ambiguous Case
98: Change of Base, Contrived Logarithm Problems
Instructional Video: Change of Base Formula
Practice Set: Change of Base
Instructional Video: Contrived Log Problems
99: Sequence Notations, Advanced Sequence Problems, The Arithmetic and Geometric Means
Instructional Video: Sequence Notation and Sequence Problems
Instructional Video: Arithmetic and Geometric Means
100: Product Identities, More Sum and Difference Identities
Instructional Video: Product Identities
Instructional Video: More Sum and Difference Identities
Oak Meadow Lesson 26 (Textbook Lessons 101-104)
101: Zero Determinants, 3×3 Determinants, Determinant Solutions of 3×3 Systems, Independent Equations
Instructional Video: Zero Determinants
Instructional Video: 3×3 Determinants
Instructional Video: Determinant of a 3×3 Matrix (standard)
Instructional Video: Determinant of 3×3 Matrix (shortcut)
Practice Set: 3×3 Determinants
102: Binomial Expansions (2)
Instructional Video: More Examples of Binomial Expansion
103: Calculations with Logarithms, Power of the Hydrogen
Instructional Video: Expanding and Condensing Logarithms
Instructional Video: Power of Hydrogen
104: Arithmetic Series, Geometric Series
Instructional Video: Arithmetic Series
Instructional Video: Geometric Series
Oak Meadow Lesson 27 (Textbook Lessons 105-108)
105: Cofactors, Expansion by Cofactors
Instructional Video: Finding Cofactors
Instructional Video: Expansion by Cofactors
106: Translations of Conic Sections, Equations of the Ellipse, Equations of the Hyperbola
Instructional Video: Translations of Conic Sections
Instructional Video: Converting Ellipse from General Form to Standard Form
Instructional Video: Converting Hyperbola from General Form to Standard Form
107: Convergent Geometric Series
Instructional Video: Sum of an Infinite Geometric Series
108: Matrix Addition and Multiplication
Instructional Video: Adding and Subtracting Matrices
Instructional Video: Multiplying Matrices
Practice Set: Multiplying Matrices
Oak Meadow Lesson 28 (Textbook Lessons 109-112)
109: Rational Numbers
Instructional Video: Rational Numbers to Fractions Using Convergent Geometric Series
110: Graphs of Arcsin and Arccosine, Graphs of Arsecant and Arccosecant, Graphs of Arctangent and Arccotangent
Instructional Video: Graphs of Inverse Trig Functions
Instructional Video: Graphs of Inverse Trig Functions (Another Explantation)
111: Logarithmic Inequalities: Base Greater Than 1, Logarithmic Inequalities: Base Less Than 1
Instructional Video: Log Inequalities Base Greater Than 1
112: Binomial Theorem
Instructional Video: Finding a Specific Term in a Binomial Expansion
Oak Meadow Lesson 29 (Textbook Lessons 113-116)
113: Synthetic Division, Zeros and Roots
Instructional Video: Synthetic Division
Instructional Video: More Synthetic Division
114: Graphs of Factored Polynomial Functions
Instructional Video: Graphing Functions in Factored Form
Instructional Video: Additional Example
115: The Remainder Theorem
Instructional Video: Intro to the Remainder Theorem
Practice Set: Remainder Theorem
116: The Region of Interest
Instructional Video: Features of Polynomial Graphs
Oak Meadow Lesson 30 (Textbook Lessons 117-120)
117: Prime and Relatively Prime Numbers, Rational Roots Theorem
Instructional Video: Prime and Relatively Prime Numbers
Instructional Video: Rational Roots Theorem
118: Roots of Polynomial Equations
Instructional Video: Roots of Polynomials
119: Descartes’ Rule of Signs, Upper and Lower Bound Theorem, Irrational Roots
Instructional Video: Descartes’ Rule of Signs
Instructional Video: Upper and Lower Bound Theorem
120: Matrix Algebra, Finding Inverse Matrices
Instructional Video: Solving Systems of Equations with Matrices
Instructional Video: Finding the Inverse of a 2×2 Matrix
Oak Meadow Lesson 31 (Textbook Lessons 121-125)
121: Piecewise Functions, Greatest Integer Function
Instructional Video: Graphing Piecewise Functions 1
Instructional Video: Graphing Piecewise Functions 2
Instructional Video: Greatest Integer Function
122: Graphs of Rational Functions, Graphs That Contain Holes
Instructional Video: Graphs of Rational Functions
Instructional Video: Graphs that Contain Holes
123: The General Conic Equation
Instructional Video: Graphing Hyperbola
124: Point of Division Formulas
Instructional Video: Point of Division Formulas
Psychology: The Journey Toward Self-Knowledge
Lesson 1: The History of Psychology
“A Learning Secret: Don’t Take Notes with a Laptop”
“10 Benefits of Writing Notes by Hand”
Crash Course, Psychology, Episode 1
Diablo Valley College Learning Style Survey
Lesson 2: Psychological Research Methods
Crash Course, Psychology, Episode 2
“The Story of Psyche and Eros”
Lesson 3: Encoding and Retrieving Memories
Feats of Memory Anyone Can Do
Remembering What Matters
Lesson 4: Memory Construction and Improving Memory
Eyewitness Testimony, Part 1
Eyewitness Testimony, Part 2
The Innocence Project
Creating False Memories
How Reliable Is Your Memory?
Forgetfulness Test
Short Term Memory Test
Test my Brain, Harvard
Lesson 5: The Human Brain
The Story of Phineas Gage
Power of the Human Brain
Brain Dominance Test
Severed Corpus Callosum
“Neurotheology: This is Your Brain on Religion” (podcast)
“Hard-Wired for Faith: The Religious Experience and the Brain”
“God in the Brain? How much can ‘Neurotheology’ explain?”
Secrets of the Mind
Lesson 6: The Biology of Behavior
“Amygdala Hijack”
“How Emotionally Intelligent Are You?”
“Test Your Emotional Intelligence with Our Free EQ Quiz”
You aren’t at the mercy of your emotions—your brain creates them
Lesson 7: Stress and Health
Stress: Portrait of a Killer
Lesson 8: Stress Management
“The Tyranny of Choice” (if the first page appears blank, scroll down for the article)
Personality Type A/B
Locus of Control
Taylor Manifest Anxiety Scale
The Hostility Questionnaire
Former monk talks hit meditation app Headspace
Dan Harris opens up about ‘Meditation for Fidgety Skeptics’
Headspace App
Lesson 9: Developmental Psychology, Part 1
A Change of Mind (Preoperational theory of mind)
Piaget’s Preoperational Stage
Object Concept VOE Screen Task Baillargeon
The Linguistic Genius of Babies
Piaget: Changes in Symbolic Development (Preoperational stage)
Lesson 10: Developmental Psychology, Part 2
Wild Child: The Story of Feral Children
Lesson 11: Classical Conditioning
Classical Conditioning—Ivan Pavlov
Baby Albert Experiments
Pavlov’s Dog: Can You Make a Dog Drool on Command?
Lesson 12: Operant Conditioning and Learning
The Difference Between Classical and Operant Conditioning
B. F. Skinner Foundation—Pigeon Ping Pong Clip
WWII Missile Guided Pigeon Project Racing Homers Used
Albert Bandura Bobo Doll experiment
Full Derek Jeter Ford commercial
Lesson 13: Social Psychology, Part 1
Milgram Experiment
Milgram Experiment (Derren Brown replication)
“Prison Psychology and the Stanford Prison Experiment” (NPR interview)
Brown eyes and blue eyes racism experiment, Children Session—Jane Elliott
What Would You Do? Bike Theft (White Guy, Black Guy, Pretty Girl)
Lesson 14: Social Psychology, Part 2
New York Subway Hero
Born Good? Babies help unlock the origins of morality
POV Implicit Bias
Project Implicit
Lesson 15: Personality Theory
Freud’s Structure of Personality Theory
Measuring Personality: Crash Course Psychology #22
Lesson 16: Personality Exploration
Inkblot (Rorschach) and TAT (Thematic Apperception Tests) – Projective Tests
Jung Typology Test
The Big Five Project Personality Test
Lesson 17/18: The End and the Beginning
The Brain Changing Benefits of Exercise
Learned Optimism Test
“Learned Optimism: Is Martin Seligman’s Glass Half Full?”
“Optimism Test: How You can Learn to Be Optimistic”
Happiness 101: Explanatory Style (Choices)
Happiness 101: How Explanatory Style Affects Optimism (Choices)
“Social Challenges of Middle School”
“How Puberty Kills Girls’ Confidence”
Race & Ethnic Studies
Lesson 1
“On Strike: Ethnic Studies—1969–1999”
Lesson 2
“The Bear That Wasn’t”
“Me, My Race, and I: What’s Race Got to Do with It?”
“What Is Your Heritage? Discover Your Cultural Identity”
Lesson 3
“Ten Things Everyone Should Know About Race”
“The Historical Origins and Development of Racism”
“Unequal Opportunity Race”
Race, The Power of An Illusion
“Who Are the Kurds?”
Lesson 4
“What Is Intersectionality? Let These Scholars Explain the Theory and Its History”
“Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack”
“DIS2018: Mia Mingus, opening keynote presenter”
“‘Disability Justice’ is Simply Another Term for Love”
“The Urgency of Intersectionality”
Lesson 5
“How Italians Became White”
A Conversation with White People on Race (this link replaces “Talking about Whiteness”)
Lesson 6
“An Indigenous People’s History of the United States”
“Guatemala: Maya”
Native Land
All My Relations
Native Appropriations
Lesson 7
“What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?”
Episode 6: Effects of the Atlantic Slave Trade on the Americas (December 3, 2012)
“How racist policing took over American cities, explained by a historian”
“The Atlantic Slave Trade: What Too Few Textbooks Told You”
“Frederick Douglass’ Descendants Deliver His `Fourth of July’ Speech”
“Nicki Mayo: Slaved vs. Enslaved People”
Lesson 8
“Eduardo López: Harvest of Empire: The Untold Story of Latinos in America”
“Why We Should Drop the I-Word”
“What’s With the X In Latinx?”
“Hispanic vs. Latino vs. Latinx: A Brief History of How These Words Originated”
“Latinidad Is Being Cancelled by Afro and Indigenous People Who Do Not See Themselves Represented”
“Trader’s Joe’s removing `racist packaging’ after online petition”
“Why Mexican Americans Say `The Border Crossed Us’”
Lesson 9
“Beyond Activism: Four Decades of Social Justice”
“Grappling with Xenophobia Amid the Coronavirus”
“History of the Exclusion of Asian Immigrants”
“How U.S. immigration laws and rules have changed through history”
“Discovering Angel Island: The Story Behind the Poems”
Lesson 10
“Come September”
Arab Resource and Organizing Center
Lesson 11
“Why Identity Matters”
“Why Media Literacy?
“Power of POP”
“But Wait: How DOES the Media Tell You What to Think?”
“The Common Sense Census: Media Use By Tweens and Teens”
Lesson 12
“Why America’s Schools Have a Money Problem”
“A Decade of Research on the Rich-Poor Divide in Education”
“How the School-to-Prison Pipeline Works: And Why Black Girls Particularly Are at Risk”
“The Hidden Curriculum, Part I of 2: Norms, Values and Procedures”
Transcript: “`Lies My Teacher Told Me,’ and How American History Can Be Used as a Weapon”
Audio: “Lies My Teacher Told Me”
“Understanding Children’s Book Classifications”
“10 Tips for Talking to Kids about Race and Racism”
“`I Love My Skin!’: Why Black Parents are Turning to Afrocentric Schools”
Lesson 13
“Every Picture Book Author Should Make a Storyboard”
Lesson 14
“As liberation struggles endure, so does Chicano protest art”
“Dance of the African Diaspora: Tracing Social and Political Activism”
“Behind the Song: Nina Simone, `Mississippi Goddam’”
“Shea Diamond—`I Am American’ [Official Lyric Video]”
“Art can be a catalyst for change in Uganda”
“In Open Cut exhibition, protest art challenges visitors to take action”
“The Birth of QCC: The Center for Lesbian Gay Bi Transgender Art & Culture”
“10 Black Queer Artists Get Real About the Intersectionality of Resistance During Pride 2020”
“`Art Can Touch Our Emotional Core.’ Meet the Artists Behind Some of the Most Widespread Images Amid George Floyd Protests”
“Who We Be: Superpanel on Art, Protest, and Racial Justice”
Lesson 15
“The Young Lords: Its Origins and Convergences with the Black Panther Party”
“The Young Lords: Exploring the Legacy of the Radical Puerto Rican Activist Group 50 Years Later”
Replacement link for “The Young Lords 13 Point Program”
“The Black Panthers: 10-Point Program”
“El Plan Espiritual De Aztlán”
“Stonewall Forever: A Documentary about the Past, Present and Future of Pride”
“The Death and Life of Marsha P. Johnson”
“East L.A., 1968: `Walkout!’ The day high school students helped ignite the Chicano power movement”
Lesson 16
“The Efficacy of the Red Power Movement”
“Rebuilding Indigenous Nations: Native American Activism and the Long Red Power Movement”
“The Youth Group that Launched a Movement at Standing Rock”
Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS)
How Indigenous Creatos Are Nurturing a Space on TikTok Replacement link for”Our Culture Is Beautiful’: The Voices of Indigenous TikTok”
“Civil Rights Digital History Project”
“Blackhorse: Do you Prefer `Native American’ or `American Indian’?”
Lesson 17
“She co-founded Black Lives Matter. Here’s why she’s so hopeful for the future.”
“#SayHerName: Resisting Police Brutality against Black Women”
“Black Lives Matter explained: The History of a movement”
“Black Lives Matter group protests at Toronto Pride parade”
“Pride says it `never agreed’ to exclude police, as Black Lives Matter slams police for `pink-washing’”
“Disability Solidarity: Completing the `Vision for Black Lives’”
Spanish I
Lesson 2
Numbers Song in Spanish (Cancion de los Numeros)
Lesson 3
Hispanic Or Latino? That Is the Question
How to Type Spanish Letters and Accents
Lesson 4
Mi Vida Loca
Lesson 6
Feasts: Mexico 2 of 3: Dia de los Muertos
Lesson 9
Largest U.S. Immigrant Groups Over Time, 1960–Present
Lesson 10
Marc Anthony: Vivir Mi Vida
Lesson 12
BBC World: Quinceañera
My Dream Quinceañera: Ana
Lesson 14
Bullfighting saved from the sword as Spain rules it is an artistic discipline
Works of Antoni Gaudí
Lesson 15
Introducing Spain
Lesson 19
Climbing Cotopaxi
Lesson 20
Wildlife Trafficking
Going to the Galápagos Is Easier and Cheaper Than Ever. That Might Not Be a Good Thing.
Lesson 21
An Uncommon Victory for an Indigenous Tribe in the Amazon
Lesson 23
Lesson 24
One Island, Two Worlds
Lesson 25
State and County Quick Facts: Florida
Merengue Dance Steps: Merengue Footwork Basics
Cumbia: The Musical Backbone of Latin America
Lesson 27
Climate Change in Argentina is Killing Penguin Chicks
Lesson 28
History of Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo: Children Who Disappeared or Who Were Born in Captivity
Lesson 29
Sr. Wooly: Billy la Bufanda
Lesson 30
The Power of the Bilingual Brain
Lesson 31
Happy Planet Index: Costa Rica
Lesson 32
Red-Eyed Tree Frog
A Costa Rican Red-Eyed Tree Frog in Pictures
Lesson 33
Reaching for a Zero-Emission Goal
Costa Rica Recognized for Biodiversity Protection
Lesson 34/35
Ecuador: The Galápagos Islands and the Andes
Spanish II
Lesson 1
Miami’s Latino Culture
Lesson 2
“Let It Go” from Frozen according to Google Translate
Norway’s Olympic team (translation error)
Destinos: An Introduction to Spanish
Lesson 3
What is Ecotourism
Costa Rica Ecotourism
Nicoya, Costa Rica: A Latin American Blue Zone
Blue Zone Photos: Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica
Lesson 4
Costa Rica: Paving the Way for Rights of Nature?
Costa Rica Country Profile
Lesson 5
Discover the Mysteries of Easter Island
What’s So Special about the Atacama Desert?
Lesson 6
The Untold Story of How Argentinian Tango Evolved
Street Argentine Tango
Lesson 7
Jennifer Dahlgren
Che Guevara (1928–1967)
Lesson 8
Classic Argentinian Alfajores Cookies
Lesson 10
More Photos of the Crisis in Puerto Rico
Lesson 11
What Do the Colors and Symbols of the Flag of Puerto Rico Mean?
Is Puerto Rice Part of the U.S.?
Lesson 12
The Latin Dance of Bachata
Lesson 14
Meet the All-Female Band Redefining Mariachi, Flor de Toloache
Lesson 16
23 Best Things to Do in Mexico City
Lesson 19
The Ambassador of Spanish Ham
Hundreds of Tons of Tomatoes Are Used as Ammo in Spain’s Tomatina Festival
Lesson 20
Flamenco Dance, Seville, Spain
Dancing the Flamenco: Basic Footwork
Lesson 21
Guernica and 30’s
Lesson 23
Civics Practice Test
Notable Hispanic Americans
Lesson 24
17 Photos that show what life is like on the U.S.-Mexico border
United States Interventions
Lesson 25
The Bodega Signmakers of New York
Bodegas: Living the American Dream
Hispanic/Latino Vote
Lesson 27
Courtyards of Latin America
Lesson 28
Dominican Republic
Lesson 29
Croc Fossil Discovered in Cave
Can You Find the Dominican Republic on a Map?
Lesson 31
12 Ecuadorean Bands You Should Listen To
Lesson 32
Preserving Lonesome George
The Theory of Evolution Has Its Origins in the Galapagos
Lesson 33
Otavalo: The Land of Andean Artistry
Spanish III
How to Type Spanish Letters and Accents
Lesson 1
The Benefits of Learning a Second Language
Learn Spanish Gestures
Lesson 2
15 Encouraging Phrases a Spanish Speaker Like Me Would Love for You to Learn
Photos of the Week: 8/8–8/14 (2015)
Lesson 3
Tacos al pastor, classic Mexican tacos
Lesson 4
Monarch Butterflies
How to Create Your Own Monarch Butterfly Rest Stop
Lesson 5
Breaking a Mexican Tradition That Excludes Women, to Keep It Alive in Brooklyn
Lesson 6
2 university students discover they have more in common than they thought just by saying 8 words
“Riveting Photos of Migrant Workers Remind Us Who Really Harvests Our Food”
Lesson 7
18 Latin American Art Museums in the United States
11 Paintings from Spanish Artists That You Can See in U.S. Museums
Smithsonian Latino Virtual Museum
Lesson 8
Spanish Newspapers in the U.S.
Lesson 11
Made in Honduras
Maquila: A Tale of Two Mexicos
Maquiladora Women (spots from the film Maquilapolis)
Lesson 12
Leonardo DiCaprio confiesa su gusto por las pupusas
Pupusas recipe
Lesson 14
Sugarcane workers in the Dominican Republic
Juan Luis Guerra, Ojala que Llueva Café
Lesson 15
Buena Vista Social Club “Chan Chan” at Carnegie Hall
Lesson 16
Gente de Zona: La Gozadera
Cuba (The New York Times)
Drug Runners or Dissidents?
Lesson 19
Nasca Lines
Lesson 20
Peru’s Snow Star Festival
Lesson 21
Evolution by Natural Selection: Darwin’s Finches
Lesson 22
“LatinoAmérica” by Calle 13
Lesson 23
Caga tió, tió de Nadal
Extra, todos los capítulos
Lesson 24
Building Human Towers in Spain
Lesson 25
Thinking of buying a deserted village in Spain?
Lesson 27
Why Is Colombian Coffee the World’s Favorite?
Venezuela (BBC News)
Venezuela (New York Times)
The Empty Cupboards of Venezuela’s Families
Lesson 28
Carlos Vives and Shakira, “La Bicicleta”
Lesson 29
World’s Largest Rodent
Lesson 31
World’s ‘poorest’ ex-president Mujica turns down pension
Lesson 32
Viña del Mar
Lesson 33
The Most Useful Language for English Speakers to Learn, According to an Economist
Sustainable Food Systems
Lesson 1
Video: Biological Molecules: You Are What You Eat
Video: Photosynthesis and the Teeny Tiny Pigment Pancakes
Lesson 2
Video: What Is the Soil Food Web?
Video: Autotrophs vs. Heterotrophs
Article: Soil Food Web
Lesson 3
Article: Soil Health
Article: Soil Types
Article: Soil Layers
Video: Introduction to Soil (Part 1)
Video: Introduction to Soil (Part 2)
Video: Soil and Soil Dynamics
Article: State Soils
Lesson 4
Interactive map: Where Our Food Crops Come From
Video: Origins of Agriculture
Lesson 5
Video: Earth’s Systems Interact
Lesson 6
Video: Summer on the Farm
Video: What is Agroforestry?
Video: Why Are GMOs Bad?
Video: The Great Laws of Nature: Indigenous Organic Agriculture documentary
Lesson 7
Video: What is a Local Food System?
Video: Vermont’s Local Food System (6-part series)
Website: Local Harvest
Lesson 8
Article: 50 By 60: A New England Food Vision
Video: Food by the Numbers: Feeding Our Hungry Planet
Article: Why Local Food Matters
Lesson 9
Article: What Is Agribusiness?
Article: American Farmers Say They Feed the World, But Do They?
Article: A Decade After “The Omnivore’s Dilemma,” Michael Pollan Sees Signs of Hope
Video: The Truth About Your Food
Lesson 10
Article: What Is Sustainable Agriculture?
Documentary: Those Who Sow
Lesson 11/12
Video: Food and the Impact of Social Media
Video: Marketing Food to Children
Music video: Grow Food
Music video: I’m Farming and I Grow It
Photo essay: What I Eat: Around the World in 80 Diets
Lesson 13
Article: Map: Here’s How Much Each Country Spends on Food
Article: Why American’s Lead the World in Food Waste
Video: New England Food Is Our Solution
Video: Seeds of Our Ancestors, Seeds of Life
Report: USDA Ag and Food Statistics 2018
Lesson 14
Video: Stages of Service Learning
U.S. Government: By the People, for the People
National Archives
U.S. Government Services and Information
The White House
Supreme Court
National Center for Constitutional Studies
United States Citizenship and Immigration Services
The Federalist Papers
The Antifederalist Papers
The Constitution of the United States
U.S. Bill of Rights
U.S. Amendments
United States Senate
United States House of Representatives
Landmark Cases of the U.S. Supreme Court
American Civil Liberties Union
The NBER/Maryland State Constitutions Project
Voices of Democracy
National Women’s History Museum
Crash Course videos (50 in all; all are 6–9 minutes)
Websites to help you determine the accuracy of a claim:
Lesson 1
Our New Research Shows Where Kids Get Their News and How They Feel About It
Students Have ‘Dismaying’ Inability to Tell Fake News from Real, Study Finds
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
6 Student Stories on Change-Makers in their Communities
Lesson 4
Introduction: Crash Course U.S. Government and Politics
Today’s Front Pages
Lesson 6
Constitute: The World’s Constitutions to Read, Search, and Compare
Lesson 7
Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities
Welcome to the Civics Practice Test!
Lesson 8
The Bicameral Congress: Crash Course Government and Politics #2
Separation of Powers and Checks and Balances: Crash Course Government and Politics #3
Gerrymandering: Crash Course Government and Politics #37
United States Senate
United States House of Representatives
Ballot Measures
Project Vote Smart
Open Secrets
Database Search Tips: Overview
Lesson 9
Lesson 12
Federalism: Crash Course Government and Politics #4
Lesson 13
Tribal Law and Policy Institute
National Congress of American Indians
U.S. History: Conflict and Compromise
Lesson 2: England’s American Colonies, 1590-1692
John Locke, Second Treatise, Chap. V. of Property
Lesson 3: Primary Source Projects
Tabula Terre Nove (1513)
Cantino Planisphere (1502)
Codex Mendoza (ca. 1541)—scroll down to the Gallery section to see the full document, and click on individual pages for a close-up view
Drawing depicting the Spanish and their Tlaxcalan allies fighting against the Purépecha (sixteenth century)
The Legend of Moshup, 1830
Journal of Christopher Columbus, 1492
Olaudah Equiano Describes the Middle Passage, 1789
Print of the Slave Ship Brookes
Bartolomé de Las Casas Describes the Exploitation of Indigenous Peoples, 1542
Richard Hakluyt Makes the Case for English Colonization, 1584
John Winthrop Dreams of a City on a Hill, 1630
Recruiting Settlers to Carolina, 1666
Indigenous cuisine of the Americas
Native Land Digital
Song about Life in Virginia
Lesson 6: Primary Source Projects
George R. T. Hewes, A Retrospect of the Boston Tea-party, 1834
Boston Trader Sarah Knight on her Travels in Connecticut, 1704
The Bloody Massacre Perpetrated in King Street Boston on March 5th 1770 by a Party of the 29th Regt.
Jonathan Edwards Revives Enfield, Connecticut, 1741
Lesson 9: Primary Source Projects
Boston King Recalls Fighting for the British and Securing his Freedom, 1798
Drawing of Uniforms of the American Revolution
A Confederation of Native Peoples Seek Peace with the United States, 1786
1776: Paine, Common Sense (Pamphlet)
Hector St. Jean de Crèvecœur Describes the American people, 1782
Lesson 12: Primary Source Projects
A Scene on the Frontiers as Practiced by the ‘Humane’ British and Their ‘Worthy” Allies’
Tecumseh Calls for Pan-Indian Resistance, 1810
Congress Debates Going to War, 1811
George Washington, ‘Farewell Address,’ 1796
Lesson 13: Industrialization, 1820-1828
Lesson 14: Indian Dispossession. 1829-1841
Indian Removal Act, May 28, 1830
Lesson 15: Primary Source Projects
A Traveler Describes Life Along the Erie Canal, 1829
Harriet H. Robinson Remembers a Mill Workers’ Strike, 1836
Angelina Grimké, Appeal to Christian Women of the South, 1836
David Walker’s Appeal to the Colored Citizens of the World, 1829
William Lloyd Garrison Introduces The Liberator, 1831
Solomon Northup Describes a Slave Market, 1841
Lesson 17: The Civil War, 1858-1865
William Henry Singleton, a Formerly Enslaved Man, Recalls Fighting for the Union, 1922
Abraham Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address, 1865
Lesson 19: Reconstruction and the Indian Wars, 1865-1887
Chester A. Arthur on American Indian Policy (1881)
Lesson 20: Populism, Labor Movement, Jim Crow, 1873-1896
Andrew Carnegie’s Gospel of Wealth (June 1889)
The ‘Omaha Platform’ of the People’s Party (1892)
Frederick Jackson Turner, ‘Significance of the Frontier in American History’ (1893)
Lesson 21: Primary Source Projects
Freedmen Discuss Post-Emancipation Life with General Sherman, 1865
William T. Hornady on the Extermination of the American Bison (1889)
Henry George, Progress and Poverty, Selections (1879)
Lucy Parsons on Women and Revolutionary Socialism (1905)
Jourdon Anderson Writes His Former Enslaver, 1865
Frederick Douglass on Remembering the Civil War, 1878
Lesson 22: Immigration, Imperialism, Progressivism, 1897-1914
Wabash Avenue in Chicago (ca. 1907)
Ida B. Wells-Barnett, ‘Lynch Law in America’ (1900)
Jane Addams’s “Subjective Necessity for Social Settlements.”
Lesson 23: World War I and the 1920s, 1914-1929
Crystal Eastman, ‘Now We Can Begin’ (1920)
Marcus Garvey, Explanation of the Objects of the Universal Negro Improvement Association (1921)
Lesson 24: Primary Source Projects
Alan Seeger on World War I (1914; 1916)
Ellen Welles Page, ‘A Flapper’s Appeal to Parents’ (1922)
National Guide to Motion Pictures Photoplay
Booker T. Washington & W.E.B. DuBois on Black Progress (1895, 1903)
Uncle Sam
The Sedition Act of 1918
Lesson 25: The Great Depression, the New Deal, 1929-1938
Herbert Hoover on the New Deal (1932)
Lesson 26: World War II, 1939-1945
The Atlantic Charter (1941)
Charles A. Lindbergh, ‘America First’ (1941)
Double V Campaign Gains Momentum
Lesson 27: Primary Source Projects
Destitute Pea Pickers in California. Mother of Seven Children. Age Thirty-Two. Nipomo, California
Aiko Herzig-Yoshinaga on Japanese Internment (1942/1994)
Rosie The Riveter–1943
Lester Hunter, ‘I’d Rather Not Be on Relief’ (1938)
Harry Truman Announcing the Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima (1945)
Lesson 28: The Cold War and the Affluent Society, 1945-1957
Paul Robeson’s Appearance Before the House Un-American Activities Committee (1956)
Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (1954)
Map of Greater Atlanta
Lesson 29: Civil Rights and the Vietnam War, 1958-1967
Letter from a Birmingham Jail [King, Jr.]
Port Huron Statement
Lesson 30: Primary Source Projects
Duck and Cover
Rosa Parks on Life in Montgomery, Alabama (1956-1958)
National Organization for Women, ‘Statement of Purpose’ (1966)
In the Suburbs
The Ten-Point Program
Lesson 31: Political Realignment, 1968-1980
Lesson 33: Primary Source Projects
Nixon Announcement of China Visit (1971)
Tear Down This Wall!
President Reagan’s Remarks on the Air Traffic Controllers Strike 8/3/1981
Republican Contract with America
Native Americans Occupy Alcatraz (1969)
Statement by John Kerry of Vietnam Veterans Against the War (1971)
Gloria Steinem on Equal Rights for Women (1970)
Women's Literature: Worlds of Fantasy and Science Fiction
Unit I: Fantasy
Tam Lin
Thomas the Rhymer
Fairport Convention (song) Tam Lin
Jeremy Irons Reads TS Eliot’s “Four Quartets”
“Four Quartets” by TS Eliot (text)
Unit II: Science Fiction
Author website: Ursula K. Le Guin
Map of Gethen
New Yorker article: “The Fantastic Ursula K. Le Guin”
Unit III: World Building
Author website: Nnedi Okorafor
The Binti Series
Word: The Poet's Voice
Below you will find links to each of the poems in the course, plus the spoken word performances, as well as general resources to help increase your understanding and enjoyment of poetry.
General Resources
How to read a poem
Poetry Foundation
Academy of American Poets
Poetry 180
Poetry Soup
Unit I: Nature
“Crossings” by Ravi Shankar
“The Weed” by Elizabeth Bishop
“Riprap” by Gary Snyder
Unit II: Love
“Tonight I Can Write” by Pablo Neruda
Unit III: Spoken Word
“Coded language” by Saul Williams text (read text before watching performance)
“Coded language” by Saul Williams performance
“Ode to a Crossfader” by John Murrillo performance (watch performance before reading text)
“Plastic Sea” by Mirko Bonné (Note: We will focus on the third stanza, which begins with “…Each black meter of water, rolling past ominously…” and ends with “… But this here, the black water masses, such/a draggled park, never, really, no.” Feel free to read the whole poem, if you’d like, but refer to the third stanza when answering the questions in your lesson.)
“Mother’s Mouth” by Amaal Said (translated from Somali to English)
Unit IV: The Female Voice
“Democracy Poem #1” by June Jordan
“Still I Rise” by Maya Angelou
“Wallflower” by Anne Sexton
“Poetry” by Pablo Neruda
World Geography
Lesson 1
Glossary of geographic terms
Reading latitude and longitude
Map projections
World’s biomes
Trees that tell a story
Lesson 2
World population clock
Radio around the world
Lesson 3
Forces that shape Earth
World glacier inventory
Lesson 4
Reference encyclopedia
Climate Change: How Does It Really Work?: Replacement for “Climate Change”
Causes and Effects of Climate Change: Replacement for “Humans and the Greenhouse Effect”
Lesson 6
Percent of arable land
Canada statistics
Lesson 7
Demographic trends in the U.S.
Immigration Trends in the U.S.
Earliest inhabitants of North America
Population and energy consumption
Lesson 8
Caribbean map and facts
Ancient civilizations of Mexico
Chihuahuan Desert
Mesoamerican Reef
Corals and Coral Reefs
Plant Adaptations
Desert Animals
Lesson 9/10
Lesson 11
Andes Mountains
Amazon River
Amazon Rainforest
Galapagos Island
Lesson 12
Largest countries in South America
Indigenous languages of South America
Early South American civilizations
Agriculture of South America
Lesson 14
Natural wonders of Europe
Europe’s Alps
Mediterranean Sea
Islands of the Mediterranean
Lesson 15
Countries of Europe
European migrant crisis
Population data (click on individual countries)
European Union website
E.U. member nations
1000 years of European borders
Population density in Europe
Lesson 16
Languages spoken in Europe
Agriculture in EU member states
Air quality
Pollution as global issue
Ethnic diversity and conflict
Lesson 18
Wastewater treatment and water recycling
Economics of sports franchise location
Inca construction of Machu Picchu
Lesson 19
Natural landmarks of Russia
Protecting the Russian Arctic
Black Earth Belt
Russia’s climate zones
Weather data from climate stations across Russia
Tundra and taiga biomes
Steppe biome
Principle rivers of Russia
Lesson 20
Population density map of Russia
Russia’s demographics
Russian culture
Soviet Union timeline
Islam in Russia
Russian architecture
Censorship in Russia and the Soviet Union
Caucasus region and people
Turkic languages
Caucasian languages
Lesson 22
China population clock
Hong Kong territory profile
Volcanoes in the Pacific’s Ring of Fire
Chinese culture and heritage
Japanese culture
Mongolian culture
Lesson 23
Bhutan Gross National Happiness
Kashmir timeline
India and Pakistan’s Kashmir dispute
South Asia’s water issues
Video: Biggest cities in South Asia
Tourism in the Maldives
Natural features of India
Landmarks of Pakistan
Features and landmarks of Bangladesh
Lesson 24
Population data Southeast Asia
Southeast Asian nations and capitals
Natural wonders of Southeast Asia
Colonialism and nationalism
East Timor history
Vietnam country profile
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
Krakatoa volcano
Tsunami preparedness
Lesson 25
Natural features of Middle East
Fossil fuels in the Middle East
Religions demographics
Religious significance of Jerusalem
Arabs and the Arab world
Ethnic tensions in Afghanistan
Modern architecture of the Middle East
Video: Islamic architecture
Water desalination in the Middle East
Bedouin culture
Lesson 28
Africa’s climate
Sahara Desert
Kalahari Desert
Natural features of Africa
Nile River
Sahel region
Video: Congo Basin
Lesson 29
Western Sahara dispute
Moroccan Berbers
Algeria history and demographics
Tunisian landmarks
Arab Spring
Libya landmarks
Egyptian revolution 2011 (photos)
Timeline of Egyptian revolution
Building the Great Pyramid
Ancient Egypt
Preserving antiquities
Lesson 30
Sub-Saharan Africa (scroll down for links to each country)
Archeological finds in Africa
Population density
Language demographics
African Union
Lesson 32
Great Barrier Reef
Sunscreen Is Damaging Coral Reefs
Origins of aboriginal culture
Animals of Australia
Aboriginal art
Great Artesian Basin
Australia weather and seasons
Lesson 33
Countries and capitals of Oceania
Types of islands
Oceania’s indigenous peoples
Nuclear testing in Oceania
El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO)
Lord of the Rings filming locations
Lesson 34
Photos of Antarctica
Antarctic wildlife
Larson C Ice Shelf
Facts about Antarctica
Ice shelf gains and losses
Video: Territorial claims
World History: Communities and Connections
Lesson 1: Agriculture and Early Civilizations
The Cornell Note Taking System
MLA Works Cited Page: Books
MLA Works Cited Page: Periodicals
MLA Works Cited: Electronic Sources
The Agricultural Revolution: Crash Course World History #1
Google maps
British Museum, London, United Kingdom
Tomb of Queen Meresankh III (g 7530-7540)
Motel of Mysteries
Lesson 3: States and Empires in Ancient South and East Asia
Beyond Gender: Indigenous Perspectives, Muxe
Lesson 4: ”Globalizing Empires” in Rome and China
Evaluating Sources: General Guidelines
The First Dacian War: Reliefs Scene-by-Scene on Trajan’s Column in Rome
Lesson 5: Migration and State-Building in Ancient Sub-Saharan Africa
Mapped: Visualizing the True Size of Africa
5 Must-Have Google Search Tips for Students
The Library of Congress
The British Library
National Geographic
Smithsonian Collections
Sub-Saharan Africa
One of Africa’s Best Kept Secrets—Its History
Lesson 6: Ancient Americans
Archeology Program – National Parks Service
Archaeology Law & Ethics
Hunting for Peru’s Lost Civilizations with Satellites
GlobalXplorer° Discovery Campaign Tutorial
Google Earth
Lesson 8: Secular Power and Religious Communities (600-1000 CE)
Medieval Sourcebook: Yakut: Baghdad under the Abbasids, c. 1000 CE
Medieval Sourcebook: Charlemagne: Summons to Army, c. 804-11
Teacher’s Guides and Analysis Tool: Primary Source Analysis Tool for Students
The Demonization of Empress Wu
Lesson 9: Mid-Semester Review
Penguin Classics
Lesson 10: The Afro-Eurasian Network (1000-1300 CE)
Pepper and Partnerships
Lesson 12: Dynastic States in Eurasia (c. 1350-1600 CE)
The Prince
Medieval Sourcebook: St. Louis’ Advice to His Son
Lesson 13: Contact Colonization, and Catastrophe in the Americas (1450-1600 CE)
Bartolomé de Las Casas Describes the Exploitation of Indigenous Peoples, 1542
Americae Sive Qvartae Orbis Partis Nova et Exactissima Description
Lesson 19: The Age of Revolutions (1775-1850 CE)
Declaration of Independence: A Transcription
MHS Collections Online
A Fair Account of the Late Unhappy Disturbance at Boston in New England
Lesson 20: The Industrial and Consumer Revolutions
Lucy Parsons on Women and Revolutionary Socialism (1905)
Modern History Sourcebook: Friederich Engels: Industrial Manchester, 1844
Modern History Sourcebook: Herbert Spencer: Social Darwinism, 1857
Andrew Carnegie’s Gospel of Wealth (June 1889)
Lesson 24: Anxiety and Disruption at the Turn of the Century (c. 1890-1914)
Internet History Sourcebooks Project
Lesson 26: World War I
First World War Recruitment Posters
British Art of the First World War
The Fourteen Points
Lesson 28: World War II
The Digital Collections of the National WWII Museum
See You Next Year! High School Yearbooks from WWII
The Atlantic Charter
United Nations Charter
Lesson 30: Decolonization and the Cold War, Part 1 (East, Southeast, and South Asia)
Memo to People of Earth: ‘Third World’ Is an Offensive Term!
Lesson 32: Decolonization and the Cold War, Part 3 (Europe and the Americas)
Duck and Cover
Tom Lehrer—We Will All Go Together When We Go
Lesson 33: Globalization
How Do I Ask the Questions?” Step-by-Step Guide to Oral History
Lesson 34: Global Challenges and the Anthropocene Era
At Doom’s Doorstep: It Is 100 Seconds to Midnight
World Literature: Classics
Lesson 2
“The Anactoria Poem” translated by Jim Powell
“The Anactoria Poem” translated by Richard Lattimore
Lesson 23
“Bound for Hell”
“Feelings Wheel”
Lesson 28
“Feelings Wheel”
Lesson 33
“How to Read a Poem”
Lesson 34
“Playwriting 101”